Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from New Zealand says: I am a Sai devotee and want to be anonymous. Thank you to the team for this beautiful Sai blog.
Coming to my experience, since the start of this year, things are not going so well. But Sai assured me that He is going to take care of each and every situation. My family has come to visit us and we were really excited about this but unfortunately, corona has hit the world so badly. Luckily my family is still here with us but things didn’t really work out as such and due to some differences things turned out ugly. And side by side I was having problems at my workplace too. Things were getting really worse in our life. But Sai was always there beside us.
I trusted and believed in Sai but I could see no ray of hope. The misunderstandings were still going on and things were so difficult to handle. But when Sai is in our life why fear. One fine day my papa got unwell and we were really worried about his health. Eventually, things were getting worse regarding his health but luckily he was given treatment at the right time and he is doing better now. During this period things started changing in a positive way and the misunderstandings eventually got sorted and now things are back to normal. Thank You so much Sai. This was all Your leela.
You were there at every step of our life guiding and protecting us and saved our papa. Thank You Sai. Please make him understand about the current situation. We all are doing our best. Sai You also helped me sort out my workplace problem. The way You made things were so beautiful and easy. Sai You know about our plans. I have complete trust in You Sai. You will definitely make things better. Sai by Your blessings we have organised the Satyanarayana pooja tomorrow. Sai I have trust in You that You will make this pooja a success.
Sai You made it possible by giving a good position to my husband. The things which we were worried about; You made it so simple and easy to deal with. You were there at each and every step Sai.
Sai bless everyone. Sai You know about the current situation that we are going through. I have left everything at Your lotus feet. Sai my little nephew has some problems. Please help and save him by not undergoing minor surgery. Cure him by Your Udi Sai. Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I am a software professional, staying with my husband in Delhi. I am connected with Baba since the last 11 years and have had multiple experiences and few miracles. This time again by Baba’s grace we have overcome a difficult situation and so sharing my experience.
My husband has got the problem of recurring kidney stones. And this time it was the worst of all times as stone struck for long. So he had to finally undergo the surgery on March 17 and he got discharged on March 19th. We were back home safely with Baba’s blessings, just before the first lock down. It was the toughest time in hospital. But another visit was still pending because the doctors put stent during the surgery which had to be removed after 6 weeks of surgery.
Now in this crucial time of pandemic those weeks were extremely difficult which actually converted to more than 8 weeks due the lock down and interstate border restrictions. I was horrified for all the reasons like: visiting hospital at this time when cases were rising badly in Delhi, we don’t have car so another fear was of travelling in a stranger’s cab at this time, then biggest was that my husband’s stent removal procedure should be done safely, smoothly and he should be alright and we can just be back home quickly.
Baba made it all possible that we got the dates within time, we could travel safely and my husband’s procedure was done successfully. Though still few readings in his tests are of concern but hopefully Baba will make those also good soon. Thank You so much Deva, I can’t survive without You. Please bless us like this always Baba. Please get us free from all the worries. Please save the world from this pandemic and get it vanished now Baba. Please bless and protect Your children.
May all beings be happy, be peaceful, be healthy and be safe. Om Sairam.
Many, many thanks to the wonderful team who is maintaining this forum and spreading the waves of Baba’s love across the world. Thanks for giving a platform to devotees to hear, to share the experiences and to let their faith in Sai grow million times. Heartfelt thanks. Jai Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: This incident dates back to June 2016 approximately. My son was told to have hydrocele for which he was supposed to be operated in Diwali vacations. I was worried about him as he was very small then (2.5 years). When his sonography was being done I vowed to do 9 Guruvar vrat. Then I called my paediatrician to inform him that it was hydrocele as diagnosed by him as well. At first, he had said only surgery was the solution but the moment I decided to do vrat in my mind the doctor said that he should wear underwear of size small and it might go as in rare cases. Then I followed doctor’s instructions, started doing vrat and daily applied udi on his testis praying Baba to avoid surgery. Then one or two weeks before my vrat I felt it had gone and so further to confirm I went to the doctor. He too confirmed it and said that there was no need of any surgery. He too was very happy to see the healing. I was almost in tears and thanked our merciful Baba. Baba cured him without any surgery or medicines except for the medicine of all medicines – His Udi. Thank You is just not enough for You Baba. Love You. Jai Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: I am a simple devotee of Baba. Thank you so much for this great opportunity to share my experiences. I was serving 14 days of quarantine at a designated quarantine place in early June-20. Being very stressed due to away from home, my worry doubled after hearing from my car insurance agent that my annual road tax renewal was not been able to renew due to some issues. I sought my brother’s help to sort this issue at the department directly. It took 5 days as my brother was busy with his work too. In these 5 days, I read Satcharitra and tried to keep myself to have patience and faith in Baba that it will be solved. On the fifth day, my brother messaged me that all issues solved and road tax renewed. So much of relief I felt knowing it. Baba as my guardian has always been there for me and I am extremely happy and thankful for His mercy on me. Thanks again. Om Sairam!

Shirdi Sai Devotee Divya Walia from India says: I have been a Baba’s devotee since 2009 and feel blessed to be under His loving shade. This is a very small but very important experience for me. I wanted to apply for a fellowship and had very few days left in its last date of submission. Due to some last-minute revisions, I got further late and had only one day left then. I was feeling nervous and then started facing problem in uploading some documents too.
My husband who is into IT came for my help and was trying to see the problem. Meanwhile, I requested Sai Dadu for help too. The moment I called for His help, my husband told me that he had understood the problem as the size of the file was big. He corrected it and successfully uploaded the files. Thank You so much, Dadu for always listening to all our small and big prayers.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a tiny devotee of Sai Baba. Coming to my experience; in USA getting vitamin D is very difficult, because most of the months are cold. So I was a little conscious and made my husband go out to have some walk. In this pandemic going out and getting fresh air and vitamin-D is like a dream. So after we had our walk, after the very next day my husband caught throat pain and as well as was drowsy.
I was tensed and felt guilty as due to me everything had happened and so on. Then I prayed Baba and promised that if he would be ok then I would write my experience here. By Baba’s grace, He is fine now.
Thank You Baba for everything and make this world like before and keep everyone healthy and healthy.
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Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om sita ram sabka Malik ek .baba ji please remove this covid 19 from world.baba ji i am very tensed due to it please help.but I trust you completely that if you are there nothing can happened to your devotees .thank you Soo much deva for everything.
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba please help and Carrie my grandparents baba we are at the verge pleade help baba sairakshak sai saranam ayyappa
Thank You Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
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Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.