Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Parimala Singh from USA says: Hello to all my Sai family. I am a Sai daughter here again my Sai’s experiences. I want to be anonymous. Hetalji and team you are doing a wonderful job by giving us this opportunity to share our Sai miracles with our Sai family. There are innumerable miracles actually every single day, every single minute, or say every second is His happening with His grace and is a miracle for us as we are surviving that second/minute/day or whatever without any trouble only because of His grace. So I must say our whole life is lead by Sai’s grace and biksha and that’s all.
Today I am here to share some of my experiences with my Sai. 1. Some time back I read experience on this page regarding a person who had written “Om Sri Sairam” 108 times for 48 days continuously, after reading that I also had a desire to start writing for 48 days and prayed to our Sai that I will write for 48 days and I had few wishes and prayed Sai to please fulfill those wishes by 48th day.
I started writing, in between I thought that if all my wishes were fulfilled then I will continue to write till 108 days and on the 48th day, I was expecting that at least one of my wishes will get fulfilled but don’t know what was in my Sai’s mind. Nothing happened and so I was a little upset but then I again prayed to my Sai that I will not be sad that my wish was not full filled but I will continue to write till 108 days as Sai I have told You I will write and I will definitely write whether my wish is fulfilled or not as I know whether You give me or not still I will love You the same way.
Today is my 98th day and when I was counting when it is going to be 108th day I was shocked and excited and happy to see that the 108th day was the Guru Pournima day that is July 5th. This was absolutely not planned, and also I read 1 chapter from Sai Satcharitra every day and I was surprised to see that the last chapter will end on Guru Pournima day only, even this was not planned. I know for many people this might be something very simple but for me, it is a very, very special as both the things were not planned but both are ending on Guru Pournima day. This is very, very special for me. I don’t know if my wishes will be fulfilled or not, I really don’t care about that but I am so happy that my Baba blessed me with this miracle and this is nothing but a beautiful miracle for me.
As I told I don’t even know if my wishes will be fulfilled but I am sure my Sai is teaching me Shraddha and Saburi.
2. Suddenly my microwave stopped working for some reason. I prayed Sai that if it starts working normally again then I will post my experience here and I applied Udi on the microwave but still, the microwave was not working, I was upset for some time that Baba did not hear this prayer of mine but I have read so many experiences here telling how Baba helped their devices or something which was repaired to work again after they had applied the Udi and prayed for Baba but why my Sai did not hear my prayers. I was upset but then I again told myself that maybe my love is not as pure as theirs or maybe Sai is teaching me to have Shraddha and Saburi. I don’t know what, I don’t know why Baba is not fulfilling my wishes but I knew this much that I love You my Sai even if You don’t give I will still love You the same way and I am going to share my experiences here even if they are not fulfilled because You are the One Who gave me everything in this life and I will never ever forget that.
Last night I read experience on this page about how a mother suffered seeing her son burnt some part of his body and how they struggled and are struggling to see their kid in so much pain and praying for her kid to be normal soon. After reading that I cried like anything and felt that it’s so important to see positive in all the blessings, that painful mother was still thanking Sai for whatever He has done even after all the tragedy with her small kid and she is seeing the blessings behind that pain that if Sai was not there then maybe worst would have happened to her son, after reading that I felt so ashamed that after we being so blessed we have complains. I am so, so sorry Deva. Whether You give me anything or not I will love You the same way and I will still post the experiences even if my wish is not fulfilled.
Sai please help that kid to get back to normal as soon as possible Deva. I can’t imagine that mother and that little kid in pain. Sai please bless that kid to be out of his pain and back to normal Sai. If we have bad karmas please punish us but don’t do anything to little kids Sai. I know Deva we all are Your kids but it hurts a lot to see our kids in pain Sai. Today my pooja is dedicated to that mother and her kid. Sai please, please bless that kid and take the pain away from that kid Sai and give peace and happiness to that mother. I love You always Sai whether You give or don’t give it doesn’t matter. You are my Sai Father and You will always be my everything in my life. Love You tons and tons Sai. Om Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Pooja Garg from India says: Sairam everyone! I Pooja Garg really feel honoured to be given the chance and be blessed to be the Editor for this Online Modern Sai Satcharitra. I thank Baba and my living Sai Hetal Di for choosing me for this seva. What I am going to share now will leave everyone spellbound and that is the reason I am sharing it today (as usually, we share as per the sequence of our submission). Though Baba had already given me approval in the morning (4th July) to write this leela of Him here still I confirmed with chits if it was alright to publish here now instead of waiting for the default turn. Baba again said Yes and so now have no guilt of taking undue advantage of posting my post here (breaking the rules of default turn as per the sequence of submitting the post) as it is a big day “Guru Pournima.” If it would be any other day then still I would be fine but since Guru Pournima I had to confirm with Baba.
Here goes my experience. Today 4th July when I opened my laptop to edit the batch for 5th July for Guru Pournima I started recalling last year’s Guru Pournima Day. I remembered the Chakriya Parayan being hosted at my sister-in-law’s place (I have to share Chakriya Parayan’s details soon when Baba wishes). That day I had just casually said Baba that I would be very happy if I get a portion to read from Satcharitra which has the word ‘Guru Pournima.’ Then I forgot all about it. Then when it was going on there I was like I will sit to read when there is nobody to read. Then as and how people started coming we were allotting them the portion to read as per their turns. Then for a moment, I felt that I may not get a chance to read seeing the people assembled. So in between, I managed to sit to read. I was surprised that the portion I read was from chapter 33 about Haribahu Karnik where on the Guru Pournima day he came to visit Baba and offered clothes and dakshina. The moment I read the word ‘Guru Pournima’ I was awestruck. I realised we may forget but Baba never forgets and fulfils our small desires also (mostly and if Baba feels like it is good for us) and makes us feel that He is there listening to us. So I just recalled this entire small leela and felt that should I write about this for Guru Pournima’s batch? Then I said unless Baba gives some hint I will not write. I also felt that Baba may give hint through the first 5 experiences of the 5th July batch(received as per sequence).
Then when I was editing I came across the post “My Sai Miracle” by Parimala Singh from USA. As and when I read and edited I had goosebumps. The fact that her writing of Om Sairam had its 108th day on Guru Pournima, then her Parayan of one chapter daily was also having its last chapter on Guru Pournima Day and that too unplanned left me wonderstruck as it was also getting published on Guru Pournima Day! Readers and devotees believe me that this thing of post being published today was also unplanned. Unlike the Mahaparayan blog it was not that we had selected the above post for publishing on Guru Pournima day but as per the default pattern it came in for 5th July’s batch. This left me overwhelmed as so many Sai incidences were being witnessed. I could not control myself and I searched her contact number from the form submitted for her post and called her up to inform her. When she heard she was so happy and told me that she was just praying Baba that she had written so many experiences for this blog as well as the Mahaparayan blog. Many of them had got published and some were still left. So she said that Baba even if any one of her experience gets published on any of the blogs on the Guru Pournima day then she would consider that Baba was accepting her bhakti (devotion). She also added that now Baba had blessed her in this way. She said that it was a blessing from Baba to her for Guru Pournima to have the post in this modern Sai Satcharitra.
Hearing this I felt what to speak of this lovely old man – our dear Baba? So many Sai incidences in a row for Guru Pournima. Aren’t they beautiful leelas of Baba showing that He is still alive! For some may feel what is so big deal here? The big deal is that all the above incidences were unplanned from Parimalaji and myself as an Editor but planned from Baba’s side and so all Sai incidentally getting completed on the Guru Pournima Day (Writing, parayan reading and publishing of this post as well). Isn’t it so so beautiful. Also through Parimalaji’s post Baba hinted and confirmed me to share my last year’s Guru Pournima experience. Really He is the best planner and there is no doubt about this. I even felt that may be Baba also wants to convey that He is well aware of everyone’s circumstances and those whose experiences are not published today (as there might be many Parimalas who might be pleading Baba or testing their devotion) need not feel bad. He loves all and accepts and hears even the smallest of whispers saying ‘Om Sairam’ with love and faith.
Right now I am also feeling blessed to have my post posted on the blog on the Guru Pournima day! Truly His plans are His plans and undoubtedly Baba is the best planner! So trust His timings which are just perfectly perfect. None can be as loving, caring and benevolent than our Sadguru Sai Baba! Wishing Baba, Hetal Di and one all reading this a very Happy Guru Pournima. Jai Jai Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I’m a housewife based in Bangalore. I have been a devotee of Baba for more than 10 years now. I have experienced many instances of His grace and kindness, which have helped me get through many a challenge. I’ll narrate three such instances of Baba’s kindness here.
1. Being Close To Baba In A New Location:
At the end of 2018, my son got a new job and we planned to shift to a house close to his office, as our then current location was very far away and it was very inconvenient for him to commute to office every day from there. While we searched for suitable apartments to take on rent in the short period of time given before my son’s joining date, I wished that we would find one that was close to Baba’s temple. The days passed by and we saw one flat after another but didn’t like any of them. Finally, we found an apartment to our liking, but the building was under construction, and we found ourselves to be the first (and only) tenant there. This caused me some anxiety, but it was offset by the news of the owner of our flat moving into the floor above us on the same day. What really cheered me up though was finding a temple of Baba within the complex of a larger temple, within a minute’s walking distance of the building! My prayer was thus answered by Him. Thank You Baba for giving me the opportunity to visit You whenever I would like to.
2. Finding Bel Leaves:
I frequently visit a website hosting questions asked by devotees, with Baba’s sayings acting as answers. In an answer to one of my queries, Baba’s suggestion was that I should offer bel leaves to Lord Shiva to get relief. Unfortunately, I had not seen vendor’s selling bel leaves in our area so far, and the lady who sold flowers from a cart on our street did not have bel leaves among her offerings. So I thought of requesting her if she could get bel leaves from her supplier before her next visit to my locality. That same day, when my husband went to buy flowers, he returned with bel leaves. I was surprised at this. My husband explained that when he had gone to buy flowers from the same lady, coincidentally, her supplier had also come over to sell flowers to her and among his merchandise, he had bel leaves! My husband had never seen this seller before and it was really striking that on the same day that Baba advised that I should offer bel leaves to Lord Shiva. This seller appeared out of nowhere, to fulfil his wish. That evening, we offered the bel leaves to Lord Shiva, and I thanked Baba in my heart for this beautiful leela of His.
3. Dealing With Pain
I have been suffering from sciatica for years now and while generally, my sciatic nerve doesn’t act up, when it does, the pain is unbearable and the suffering continues for a long time. For the last three years, I had not experienced this and so perhaps had become a bit complacent. I’m not sure what caused it, maybe sleeping on an unsuitable cot or in an incorrect position or both, but when I woke up on the morning of 15th February, I was racked with pain. I couldn’t sit, stand, lie down or do anything and could only drag myself around with great difficulty with the help of a walking stick. The whole day passed in this misery and I fervently prayed to Baba to make it stop. I also consumed some Udi before going to bed. I struggled throughout the night to get some sleep and ignore the pain but it continued. Only towards morning, I finally fell into a deep, comforting sleep for a couple of hours before I woke up. To my great relief, when I woke up, the pain had subsided. I no longer found myself limping and I even managed to take care of my regular household chores to a decent extent. I’m truly thankful to Baba for relieving me of this pain and restoring normalcy quickly.
These are just a few of the many, many times that Baba has taken care of me and answered my prayers. May He always be there for me and my family. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: We are a family of 4 and have surrendered our life to the Sadguru Who has always protected us. I have been writing on this blog and have always felt happy to share my experiences. I have always believed by sharing experiences the readers who read feel more motivated to pray hard and get blessed by Baba.
Coming to my experience I would like to mention that my daughter has always suffered from gastritis and gases form that create lot of pains. I have been praying constantly to Baba to cure her. We all take Udi water every day which is the best medicine in the world. But still sometimes the pain makes her suffer a lot. When I see such situations I always invoke Baba’s aid by chanting Om Sai Rakshak Sarnam- the best mantra for immediate cure of pain and as usual it helps a lot. Thank You Baba.
Bow to Sri Sai peace be to all.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am happy to say that I am a Sai devotee. Sai is always with me. Last week Wednesday this had started. Since my young age I have this piles problem. When I get this problem I suffer like hell. I would not be able to sit, stand or even lie flat on bed. I had a blister near my anus. For the whole day I was suffering like anything and with that I had to do my office work. I sincerely prayed to Baba to take away my pain and for sure will write about this experience on this blog and will tell everyone to have trust and patience. Next day morning that is Thursday I didn’t have any pain. I was doing my routine work and within 2-3 days my blister had vanished. Baba is very powerful. Whatever I am today is because of Him only. My life is filled with His blessings.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am one of those countless devotees of Sai Deva whose day starts and ends with Sai. I would like to be anonymous. Thanks Hetalji for this beautiful platform.
This is about a particular task at my work which needed to be completed on that day and it seemed impossible to complete the task. I prayed to Sai Deva that once the task gets completed, I would submit this experience on the same day. The task was completed well before evening. I thank Sai Deva and I am so grateful to Him for always being with me.
Deva You know the issue my sister is facing. Please resolve that issue and look after her. I am waiting to submit that miracle and please Deva help her.
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Happy guru purnima seems like i can never come near to you…
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Happy Guru Pournima to all. May our beloved Baba bless us, His children and all living beings.
Jai Sairam
Jai Sai Ram 🙏
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Omsairam..i love you..thanks for whatever you have blessed us with…but old thoughts trouble me a lot.BABA..
Thank you Deva for beautiful Guru Purnima. On Gurupurnima I attended dhup Aarti. Well these days as we all know our Shirdi temple is closed for public darshan, even we can't take darshan from outside the iron gate of Dwarkamayee and Chawdi. So we need to go all round through palki road to take darshan of Hanuman temple after Chawdi darshan. So yesterday I did my pranam from Chawdi then went towards other side through palki road to have Dwarkamayee and Hanuman temple darshan. I saw Baba devotee brother whom I meet regularly while attending Aarti. We exchanged our greetings with Sai name and I came back towards Chawdi side near Abdul Baba's hut for Aarti. After Aarti got over that same brother also came to our side and he gave me udi packet. Though I see this brother everytime I go for Aarti since lockdown but surprisingly he gave me udi on Gurupurnima day. I just felt like it's gift from our beloved sadguru Sai. I can't thank enough Baba for all your love you are showering on all of us. Baba please bless us all always and increase our shradhha and saburi by each passing breath. Om Sai Ram 🙏