Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Baba Healed My Daughter

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of our beloved Sai from India and want to be Anonymous. I am a member of Mahaparayan (MP) group too. This is my third experience and one of the biggest one and as I promised my beloved Sai Baba that when He will fulfill this wish I will post the experience. As a promise to Baba I am sharing my experience and sorry Baba for being late in this.

This is regarding my daughter. She was born with urogenital sinus means she was not having urethral opening to pass urine. Due to this she had a lot of problems in her urogenital system and being parents we were in a deep trauma to see our child like this and was begging to God each and every day but I didn’t lose hope.

Frankly speaking initially I was not completely devoted to Baba and that was my mistake but was praying to God. She had multiple surgeries regarding this. Her urethra was constructed in 2018 when she turned to one and she started passing urine but after few months she started having a problem that affected her kidney which was a devastating situation. Then I and my husband both started Sai Nav Guruwar vrat and we were praying day and night. Then some procedure was done and after that, her condition improved.

When I had asked a question to Baba then answer came as that ‘He will permanently heal’ exactly I don’t remember words. Believing in that, I kept praying Baba. Time passed. We went to Shirdi in March on Holi in 2019. Some more procedures were done but she was not passing urine from urethra instead we were doing CIC (Intermittent Catheterization to remove her urine) with which we were not happy. We waited but I believed in His words and kept praying to Baba.

In March 2020 before lockdown, some tests were done and some obstruction came. Then we were so sad and immediately on the next day, we went to Shirdi before two days of Holi and fortunately, we got to and fro tickets very cheap in such a short span of time. It was Baba’s call. He can’t see His children in pain and we had a very nice and heart soothing darshan like which we never had earlier. We felt His blessings on us.

I did 108 parikramas of Baba’s Neem tree and got Neem leaves also and after that, I came to know from my husband that while I was doing parikrama my daughter suddenly started passing urine naturally but it was the only episode. But Baba indicated that it will happen in the future. After returning when the surgeon investigated, he then found no obstruction where he was thinking. Later on further investigations, some problem was detected in the kidney which was cured by surgery but still according to surgeons she couldn’t pass urine fully naturally. But here is the miracle of Baba and according to His words, He permanently healed her. Now everything is sorted. She is passing her urine naturally and now there is no need for catheterization and surgeons are confused regarding this. With our Sai everything is possible. He is my father and mother both. Sai please keep Your blessing on my child always. Thanks. Om Sairam.

Baba Helped Me In Getting Refund

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Namaste dear devotees. I have shared numerous experiences on this blessed platform. Again today I want to share a few more experiences.

I placed an online prepaid order for some Ayurvedic products amounting to total Rs. 347. After placing the order I did not get any tracking information. The order status was shown just as placed and no progress was shown. I wrote to the company and called several times on customer care but no response came from the other side. Likewise, 15 days went by but I got neither products nor response or any information. Then I decided to cancel the order, but read a lot of negative reviews where customers complained that they didn’t get a refund for orders placed for months. So before canceling the order I decided to ask Baba’s help. Baba replied to me not to hurry and wait for 8 days. I accepted Baba’s decision and waited for 8 days.

On a ninth day I prayed Baba, told Baba that I am canceling the order, now You see for my refund process. I canceled the order. And believe me, dear devotees! I got my refund back within three days of cancellation. I was amazed at Baba’s Leela. I don’t know why Baba asked me to wait for 8 days before canceling the order, but I can say one thing for sure that Baba’s plan is the best plan. Only He knows the best for us.

Similarly again at the same time, I placed an online prepaid order of small amount on a grocery shop but due to some reason canceled it on the same day. Now again I was facing the refund issues. So taking Baba’s name I wrote a mail to them explaining the reason and with Baba’s grace, I got a refund back within 10 days.

I pray to Baba to please remove my anxieties and fear. I am not able to sleep well, Baba. You alone know the fear in my heart Sai. Please remove these fears, anxieties and bless me with mental peace. I again want to be a fearless, confident, brave and happy person that I once was. Bless everyone with health, happiness and peace Baba. Om Sairam!

Baba You Are Everything For Me

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Baba, I am a small child of Yours. A leaf can’t be moved without Your wish. Thank you Hetal mam for publishing my experience again. It encourages us to write more and more. Perhaps it is also our Baba’s wish.

Last time I promised to submit my experience regarding my baby boy’s red bumps. Baba the red bumps have disappeared, though small red bumps are present on the back, which are negligible.

Baba, keep my family, my relatives under Your lotus feet. Maximum time I am getting scared regarding my life and my family. Baba, please remove my fear. You know everything very well. Baba give me positive feelings always. Make me in such a way that every day I will chant Your name. Bless all my family members and my relatives with good health, because health is wealth. I have been taught this in my life. Baba, solve all my family problems. Save the world from the pandemic Corona virus soon. Om Sri Sai Nathaya Namah. Jay Sairam.

Baba’s Grace

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I am a small Sai devotee from India. I have shared two amazing experiences on this blog. I am thankful to Hetalji and her team for creating such a wonderful platform for Sai devotees.

Baba, You are always there with me in every situation in my life and again You proved that. Thank You so, so much for accepting me.

With Baba’s grace, my son got a very good job and his H1b. Thank You very much Baba. Baba, it’s my deepest feeling to come to Shirdi at the earliest possible. Please make it possible Baba.

Lost object Found

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I am a devotee from US. Lord Sai Baba has been the most merciful God. Today if I am writing this experience, it is because of Sai Baba’s grace. He stood by me during the most difficult times. I am ever grateful to my God Sai Baba. Please protect all and bless all.

Today, one of my specs fell down and one of the lenses fell out from the frame. I searched for about an hour, still could not find. I continuously prayed to Baba and finally somehow the lens was found in a drawer. I have always trusted in Baba. Please help us all during this time Baba, please be with us and drive Covid away. Thank You.

Baba Helps

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I had ordered some online stuff. Most of them were good but few of them were of the worst quality. I sent them back and was worried if I would get my refund back. I got all the refunds back except one. I had promised Baba to share here if got a refund. Baba I was waiting for the last refund also to be refunded but it is showing error. Please help Baba. Hope You will not disappoint me with this. Thank You Baba for everything. Jai Sairam!

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  1. Baba please save my mother she is assigned with covid duties Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Baba thankyou for making me to successfully complete my graduation with flying colors.. This is only because of you baba.. How can i pay your debt Sai what i can even do for you my future and every thing is in your hands bands

  3. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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