Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thank you for this beautiful platform. May Baba bless you all. I want to share about Sai Baba’s blessings. I am also a Sai Babaji devotee. I have already posted some experiences here. This site is very divine. Sorry for my incorrect English.
Baba saved my dog’s leg. It’s about some days back. I saw in the morning he was not walking properly. I was very tense but I thought maybe he would be fine after some time but the next day also he did not walk properly with one leg. Then I cried because he couldn’t even tell his pain. Then I prayed to Mata Rani and Babaji to please make him fine and I applied Sai Babaji’s Udi on his leg.
The next day, l observed that he was perfectly fine. He walked absolutely fine. Baba saved him one more time as always. Thank You so much Babaji for saving him and us. Sorry for the late post-Babaji. I also had said to Babaji that if he would be fine then I will post this experience here. So I am posting as per my promise.
One more experience I want to share. I waited for Guru Pournima for a long time. Because I wanted to ask Baba should I message my love or not on the day of divine Guru Pournima but before Guru Pournima one problem occurred. I couldn’t enter the temple nor do puja due to some reason. So I couldn’t ask thorough chits. So at night, I was quite upset with Babaji because I waited for this time for so long. Sorry Babaji for doubting but I always trust You Babaji.
On Guru Purnima I read Sai Satcharitra and then lost all hopes. But Babaji did one miracle. This was really not expected but Babaji helps when we least expect. My one friend (I got this friend by Babaji’s grace) asked me through a message if everything was fine or not. Then we talked. Then I thought maybe Babaji sent her for my help because she also had asked Babaji for me earlier some times. Then I asked her for help. She agreed and asked Babaji through chits and Babaji said ‘Yes.’
I was very happy then but I was afraid to message him because I mostly fail. I got the answer from Babaji on 5th July and Babaji motivated me through some positive signs too. I was very worried and afraid. Then on 7 July at night I messaged him. 7th July also it was the birthday of ‘Jai Guruji.’ I got success. Then I messaged him. He talked to me nicely. We talked for much time, but our relationship is not as perfect as I need it to be but I have full faith in Shree Sai Babaji that one day everything would be fine and we will marry each other by Maa kali and Babaji’s grace. Thank You Mata Rani, Babaji and Shukrana Guruji God.
Process is very slow but I totally believe in Baba that one day He will fulfil my wish. Please Babaji give me strength. Today also I saw Babaji in my dream giving me a positive sign for my marriage to my love. Thank You Babaji for this sign. I love You Babaji always. Thank You Babaji for everything and sorry Babaji for every mistake and please Sai Babaji mere bure karmo ko maaf kar do mujh pe reham karo (Babaji please forgive my sins and have mercy on me). Sai Babaji please.
Babaji bless everyone and solve everyone’s problem please. Please everyone pray for me. Babaji help me soon. I also promised Babaji to post this experience here and so posting here. May Baba bless you all. Om Shree Sai Satyapurshya Namah!
Shirdi Sai Devotee Priya Praveen from India says: Om Sairam. I am Priya Praveen from Chennai, India.
I had a terrible toothache today ( started from 9pm approximately). The pain was excruciating to eye socket, jaws and ears and it was unbearable that I literally started crying. I immediately called the local pharmacy and requested them to deliver clove oil and pain killer tablets. After the call, something struck me. I went to the pooja room and took just a pinch of Udi. I simply opened my mouth and very casually sprinkled Udi on my tooth( I didn’t even apply it on the area of pain). Also I made a random prayer to Sai, “Baba, the pain should go away even before the medicine arrives and I should share the miracle to all by posting it on the website.”
Though I have experienced Sai’s leelas in many instances, this particular leela is beyond my expectation. Yes! The minute I applied Udi and made the prayer, the pain disappeared. I waited for ten minutes to confirm whether the pain had really gone. Now the time is 9.30pm and I am completely fine. I couldn’t control my tears of gratitude towards Sai and I immediately started typing my experience for this website. When I was half done with my typing, the pharmacy guy delivered the medicines. I left the medicines aside because I didn’t need them anymore. Sai is ‘ The doctor’ and Udi is the ‘ All time medicine.’ What amuses me most is that, I neither consciously went to pooja room nor was serious about my prayer. Still Sai cured me. He made me apply Udi and took control of me. I hug You tight and kiss You Sai ma. Accept my gesture of love Sai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: My sincere thanks to the individuals managing this website for all their efforts. Om Sairam. I would like to share a very short experience about my wife’s experience with Baba.
My wife was not a staunch devotee of Baba but is a very spiritual person. She is a devotee of Mata AmritanandaMayi and has accepted her as her Guru. My wife would make payasam (rice pudding) for Mata Amritananda Mayi’s events in our area. She had been doing this quietly for years and had done so as her seva or service. Around this time, we began visiting a nearby Sai Baba temple and would go there every Friday night for the last arati. One such Friday, my wife had just finished dropping off the rice pudding for an event before we went to Baba’s temple. As usual we attended the arti and were waiting in line for our darshan. All of a sudden a little girl, carrying a small bowl, walked up to my wife and said, “This is for you.” My wife accepted the bowl and looked at what was in it. She noticed that bowl had rice pudding (similar to the pudding she made for the event) in it and was astounded. Even more astonishing was the fact that no one else had received this prasad of rice pudding. Not even me, who was standing right next to her. My wife’s eyes were filled with tears of joy and we were both speechless at Baba’s leela. It was as if He wanted to say: “I know about everything that you do, no matter how quietly you do it.” I was also reminded about another line quoted in the Sai Satcharitra: “As men believe in Me, so do I accept them” (Gita, 4-11). Om Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! Om Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all. Firstly I would like to thank Hetal mam and team for sharing this platform. Baba as promised I am sharing my experience.
Recently we moved to our first floor which got completed a few months back. All the work was done. When the water supply was given, we found that water leakage from the tiles of bathroom. This was the geyser line. We all got tensed as all the pipelines were inside and so it was very difficult to find the area and fix it. The only way was to cut off the tiles and check. But the question was from where? I constantly kept praying Baba to save me as miss calculation would lead to unnecessary tile cut off and we were not sure how bathroom would look with cuttings everywhere. I prayed Baba to save me from this problem and promised Him to share about it here. As I mentioned in my title Baba is saviour for all, He not only spotted the exact leakage area but also took care of all the tiles that were smoothly removed and placed back.
Baba You know how much I love You, as promised I am sharing my experience. Please help all and save the world from Covid situation. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: It was the rainy season and I had eaten rajma. Due to this, I had a very bad stomach ache. As I was told later that our digestion process is weak during the rainy season and rajma being heavy to digest I had a bad stomach ache. I had Pudin hara but it did not help. I was rolling and twisting. We had gone for some marriage. I could not attend it even for half an hour. I left early and was lying on my back seat. I was vomiting too and the medicine too had come out immediately. I did not have it again as I did want to have it. Mom asked me to take Udi. I was not willing to take it but later took it. Mom was saying not to go to the office the next day. But I was like no matter what I would go. Then I prayed to Baba for relief. Instantly after a few minutes, I was ok and pain had almost gone. The morning I woke up fine but still seeing my pain last night mom wanted me to stay back home for that day at least. But I did not. When I was leaving for the office I got an sms (I had subscribed for daily Sai SMS that time (2010)) saying, “See how I have to suffer for my bhaktas! Their pains are mine.” I was awestruck and had tears in my eyes to feel Baba’s pure love. I was all fine with Baba’s grace only else who knows after what treatment I would get better as the pain was extremely very, very bad. Thank You Baba so much. Jai Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a final year undergraduate student. I was not finding one of my important books which contained important questions related to my final year exam. I was searching everywhere and was not able to find it. I told my mom and with Baba’s help my mom found it under my study table which I had seen earlier but didn’t notice it. I had promised Baba that if He helped me to find it then I would share my experience. With Baba’s grace I am sharing. Om Sairam! Baba please vanish Covid from the world.
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Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam…i love you…thankyou saibaba for whatever you have blessed us with.
Baba thankyou for making us to find my mother's pan card baba otherwise it could have troubled us a lot thanks saima
Baba please save my mother and father bless them with good health please saima make my father to reduce his addictions please save his health baba.Sairakahak saisaranam ayyappa
Bolo shirdiwale sacchidanand sadguru Sainath maharaj ki shree sai samarth om shree sai samarth om shree sai samarth om shree sai samarth om shree sai samarth om shree sai samarth
Thank You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Thank you so much Deva for having all of us under your lotus feet, protecting and blessing us always. Kindly take care of all of us Deva. Please cure the corns in Ashu's feet Deva. Please get me the approval Deva. Thank you Deva.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Devotees Please pray for me, I am going through some serious family issues. I don't know how to handle it. Oh Sai please help me. I don't have any one else to call for help to sort this problem. Sai baba please help me
Jai Sai Ram.. Please be with me always Sairam…