Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Sai Mauli’s Grace

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Shri Ganesh. Sairam to all devotees. Thanks to Hetal mam and the team. Baba, please help me to write this post.

I work in a pharma company and in pharma companies data integrity is a big issue. Baba helped me to come out of such an issue. In our company whenever any new document is prepared, training needs to be given to all the departments required personnel and I am the trainer in my department. One such training was conducted by me and at the end of training, questionnaires had to be answered where it was identified that the format used by me was wrong. So I collected all those documents and requested the present persons that I would share them the correct soft copy on email, which they should print and answer the same. All agreed to this and after returning to the desk I mailed them the correct questionnaire sheet.

Those wrong formats which I should have discarded, I kept in my drawer and thought that I would do it later. After 8 days our internal Audit team came for inspection and they found those documents and were submitted to the Quality head. Now this was a big issue and other than praying to our beloved Baba I did not know anything else. I prayed Baba that a quality head should not call me and give firing and issue should get resolved automatically and Baba listened to my prayer. Quality head arranged a meeting with our team lead and told him that such a thing should not happen again. When he informed me of the same, I was speechless, no words to thank our merciful Baba. Thank You, thank You so much Baba for helping me again and again.

My next experience is about Covid. As you are aware, how Covid is dangerous and people are losing their life. My full family (Me, Mom, dad, bro and his wife) became Covid positive but Baba helped all to recover. I was worried for mummy daddy, as they are old, but Baba protected all of us. I pray to You Baba to please protect everyone from this Covid Virus.

Recently my dad’s operation was made successful by Baba. I was worried for dad’s health but he is recovering now slowly and slowly. Baba, please help my daddy recover smoothly and fast. Please take away his pain and give him good health.

Also Baba helped us by covering 90% hospital expenses under insurance. We had taken a separate room for stay in the hospital whose rate was Rs. 2600/- per day and which was not getting covered under insurance policy. We stayed in the hospital for four days and were expecting some final amount to be 12000 to 15000/-. But the final amount was just Rs. 600/-. I don’t know how this happened but this all was Sai Baba’s leela.

Baba I don’t have enough words for thanking You. You are my Mother and I am Your child. Please always hold my hand and take me wherever You want. Baba please make our cat well and give her good health. I can’t see her in pain. Also please give job to my one friend and do marriage of my other friend. Both are in need. Please help both of them and I will share Your grace on this platform. I Love You Baba. Om Shirdi Vasaye Vidhmaye, Sacchidanandhay dimahi, Tanno Sai Prachodhayat.

Baba Answered My Prayer

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank You Baba for everything. Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful site which is healing many people, through devotees’ experience. God bless all of you, behind this.

I got married 2 years back with Baba’s blessings. He is a gem of a person. Actually I got this alliance fixed when I completed my 9 weeks prayer to Baba.

Coming to my experience I am working in one state and my husband is working in another state. My job is transferable so we thought I would get the transfer in 6 months hence they accepted the proposal and got married. But things started to fall apart, after 4 months of marriage I got to know that places that I have applied for transfer had no vacancy and due to shortage of staff in the place where I was working, they could not relieve me. Things were going on like this and every time I asked, they told me that surely I would get it but I would have to wait for sometime.

My husband is a very understanding person. He used to manage my parents and my in-laws. I used to cry daily in front of Baba and used to go to Baba’s temple every Thursday but Baba had other plans . Finally when things got sorted out and the transfer order was about to get released in a week which we were eagerly expecting but all of sudden the government announced the lockdown. I got struck in one place and my husband was in another place. We weren’t able to go. That time I was shattered completely losing all my hopes, confidence and strength to face. Things went on for almost 9 months. During this time this modern Satcharitra gave me strength and hope that all will be okay.

Finally this week my transfer order was released by Baba’s grace and I got posted near my place and soon I’m going to join my husband.
Thank You Baba for everything and Baba please bless us with a baby.

Miracles Of Sai Baba In My Life

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai Baba is a life saver for people who pray with devotion. Thanks to the entire team.

Experience :1 Pigeon story: One day I was really sad that I did not see the pigeons feed on the grains for the past one week. If I see pigeons feed on the grains I would feel Sai’s presence in my house. So, I prayed to Sai that if the pigeons come for grains then I will share my experience on the blog.

Experience :2 Indigestion Story. One day I had heavy food and was feeling really uncomfortable with indigestion, I did know what to do? So, I prayed to Sai if it gets better then I will share my experience on the blog. Within seconds I was fine.

Experience :3 Aadi Poop. I have a two year old son and did not poop for two days. I was really scared and prayed to Sai Maa for help. Within the next day he went to poop normally.

Experience :4 Aadi slept. My son is two years old and we travelled for a short trip and that night he was crying and did not get sleep for a long time because of the new place. So, again Sai Ma came for my help and he slept within a few seconds.

Experience: 5 AirPods: I did not know where I had kept my AirPods after watching the movie. I was searching everywhere in the house. But I could not find it and I prayed to Sai Ma if I get my AirPods back by next morning then I will share my experience. Then all of a sudden a miracle happened and I found my AirPods the next day. Love You Sai Ma and thanks for making my life beautiful with Your blessings.

Thank You So Much Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba. I am also a member of the Mahaparayan group. Thank you Hetalji and team for giving us this platform to share our wonderful experiences. Every time I read an experience on this website, my faith in my Baba strengthens. I feel so fortunate to share a lot of experiences here. I am currently in India. Today I have already posted my experiences but I missed one experience for which I had promised too. I would like to share the same.

In my previous experience, I had mentioned how Baba helped me and my family with vaccination. On my 4th day of vaccination I got a sore throat. I have a sinus problem, so normally when it happens it triggers a sinus problem, followed by cough, cold and fever. I got really tense so I prayed to my beloved Sai to help me to get rid of throat pain and stop any further issues from occurring. I drank Udi water and applied Udi and promised Baba that I would post my experience here if I felt better the next day. Then the miracle happened; just after I drank Udi water my throat pain went away and the next day I began to feel better. I can’t thank Baba enough for always helping me. I love You so much Baba!

Sorry for missing this and posting late Baba. Thank You for always helping me and my family. Please take care of us like You always do. Bless us with a long and healthy life. Forgive us and always hold our hands.

Baba will end this pandemic soon and bless everyone with a healthy life. Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraja Yogiraj ParaBrahma Sri Sadchidananda Samarth Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Why Fear When He Is There

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of my big Baba.
Thanks to the team for giving us such a wonderful opportunity to share our experiences.
I want to apologize for the delay in posting my one experience.

1) My daughter went to the mall a few days back and after two days experienced fever and throat issues. I requested Baba to cure her without any issues. Fever went away in two days’ time for which I posted my thanks. However suddenly two days thereafter she again had a fever with a running nose and throat infection. I again prayed with a promise to post if the fever came down. In the next three days she was fine. Sorry for posting late.

2) My mobile had an issue hence I lost my e-file of Sai Satcharitra. I prayed to Baba to help me get it again. I suddenly got a Twitter message and mail pertaining to a post of Hetalji in which the e-file download link was there. Thanks Baba.

Thank You Sai Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Om Sairam to all devotees.
I had a small situation that I was praying to Sai Baba for and I said that I will post the experience if it gets resolved. Sai Baba helped me and saved me from the trouble. 

Another situation He helped too, by making sure everything went ok without any problems. No matter small or big things Baba is always with us. He is always listening and making sure that we are ok. Thank You so much Sai Baba.

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Articles: 249


  1. Om sai Ram…. Baba please save my husband and sons from all calamities and give them a long healthy , happy and prosperous life ahead. Baba I am always misunderstood in the family. Please resolve all our tensions and help us lead a peaceful life. Please extedn your best support to make our venture successful Baba. My son is ready is ready to return to his college, please be with him always baba and protect him. The younger help him get into a good univ and protect him as well baba. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam deva🙏 Om Sai arogya kashemadaya namah 🙏

  2. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  3. Omsairam..i love you.thanks for whatever you have blessed us with..kindly increase my faith andpatience .help me to reduce my anger.

  4. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father protect him baba cure him change him cure my sister baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  5. Om Sai Ram, Sai Ma! Thank you for everything. Ma today my wife has covid vaccination and mine on 31st let everything go well without any health issues. Love you Ma. Please bring us peace, success, health & wealth. Let our dreams be fulfilled MA. Om sai ram, Om sai ram, om sai ram

  6. Om Sai Ram…. Baba thank you for being there for us and reuniting us… It is a miracle Baba… Baba please take care of my family… OM SAI RAKSHAK SHARANAM DEVA 🙏 OM SAI AROGYA KSHEMADAYA NAMAH 🙏

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