Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Devotee from Australia says: Hello everybody, I am a Sai devotee and praying Sai from 2006. Thank you for such a wonderful blog which helps all Sai devotees to read and share there experiences. I don’t know how Baba came in my life but He resembles exactly like my grandfather. I lost my grandfather in 2006 and starting believing Baba from that time. I am a married woman studying masters in Australia with lot of hurdles. I conceived in 2014 of October at that time i was doing my advanced course. I cannot take the semester break as we were still on student visa and need to go for visa extension which is again a costly process. Masters in Australia is very expensive. Each subject costs about 4000$, as i was doing my advanced course it worth 8000$ and it takes one year for me to earn that money with my part-time job. My husband used to work 7 days to pay my fee, and for living expenses. The advanced course which i took is the part of the course and was a compulsory subject. Our professor was very strict and she failed so many students in previous years. I had a mental stress about that subject and was struggling a lot to pass that subject. I used to pray Baba everyday to pull me out of that stress. I had restless nights for assignments, reports. I never concentrated on my health. I was worried about my baby and left everything to Baba. My actual due was on 28th June and i had an exam on 21st of June. I was worried a lot cannot go for special consideration because the next exam will be on July so baby will be too small. Moreover i don’t know when i will be delivering a baby because no one is sure about the due date it may happen one or two weeks earlier than due date or later that due date.
Somehow with Baba’s Grace, i was able to write the exam but that was the worst exam which i have ever given throughout my entire life. All of my classmates applied special consideration to rewrite the exam but i went to question and answer blog of Baba and typed the number, the answer was ”Don’t worry, baby will be born you will be free from all worries”. At that i felt very happy but later as a human i was worried about that paper and paying such a huge amount makes me cry everyday in front of Baba. Exactly on my due date i had severe pains and went to the hospital. After doing all checkups they asked us to come tomorrow as i am not getting regular contractions. I was crying badly after coming home took the sleeping tablets but couldn’t sleep. I prayed Baba, took Udi water. After sometime the contractions were coming frequently and went to the hospital again and delivered a baby within half an hour and that too was a normal vaginal delivery. The doctor who was in that ward was wonder stacked. Baba blesses me with a cute and healthy baby girl. Our joy has no bounds. Then the time for my results came i was very tensed then my husband checked the results and send me a message that i passed. I was very happy at that time. Baba is a real God and He watches everyone and our problems are His problems just leave all your problems on Him with full faith. He will take care of everything.
Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a follower of Sai Baba. He is the one who has made what I am today. Om Sai Ram. Before writing anything I would like to Thank Hetal ji for such a wonderful blog. I read this blog daily and I feel rejuvenated. The experiences shared here by all Sai Bhakt acts a source of motivation and strength for me. This is my first post here. I want to share the miracle that me and mother has experienced. I have been Sai Baba’s devotee for a long time but never got a chance to have any Idol of Baba at home. I always wanted to have one and I think Baba had His own plans for the same. My mother also had the same wish for many years to have Sai Baba’s Idol at home which should have His right Hand in the ‘Aashirwad’ posture. In 2012 my friend went to Shirdi and I told her to get 2 idols of Baba (One for me and another for my mother) from Shirdi. After coming back from Shirdi, she told me that she had a wonderful Darshan and handed over the 2 Idols to me which was packed in two separate boxes. I opened 1 box and kept Baba’s Idol in my Pooja Mandir and started praying to Baba. I didn’t open the other box which was for my mother and kept it as it was packed. Me and my brother stay in Bangalore but our parents stays at native so I thought I will send the Idol with my brother when he will go home.
After 2 months, my brother was travelling home but I couldn’t so I handed over the Idol to him to give it to mom. After my brother reached home I asked my mother if she had liked the Idol and she said that she is very happy as she has got what she always imagined or wanted the Idol to be. She told me that she is very glad that the right hand of Baba was in Aashirwad posture. I was shocked to hear this as my Idol is like Baba’s Idol in Shirdi Temple i.e. the right hand is tucked under his left hand. I immediately called my friend and asked her why couldn’t she get a similar Idol (like my mother’s) for me but even she was shocked to hear this and told me that there was not a single Idol in Aashirwad posture in the shop from where she bought it. She was sure of that because the shopkeeper had packed all the Idols right in front of her eyes. Just to be sure she called up her other friend who was accompanying her on the trip and even he confirmed that there were no Idols in Aashirwad posture. They bought 5 idols and all were just like Baba’s Idol in Shirdi temple. I got goose bumps where I heard that and couldn’t control my tears to realize that Baba’s promise of “In whatever faith men worship me, even so do I render to them” is very true. He has fulfilled my mother’s long awaited wish. It is a miracle for us of how the 4 idols from the same shop is in one posture and the one for mother has “Aashirwad posture”. By His Grace, I am happy in my life and He takes care of everybody in my family. Baba be with all of Your children and help them to face all the adversities of life. Bless all of us.

Sai Sister Vithya from India says: Hi Sai devotees, I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. Thank you for all those who are maintaining this page. It made me to feel like we all are from same family. I had lot of miracles with our Baba. But i am going to share something here. Actually how our Sai Baba came in to my life itself is a big miracle. But i will share it on another post. I used to ask questions to our Baba through Question and answer site. Once i asked Him for some personal issues, He told me to read Mahalaxmi Astakam for few weeks. But at that time, i had my periods so i didn’t care about that much. Then i forgot that too. After two days my neighbour did some Pooja and they offered some book too. Actually my mom is not having that much faith towards God. But by God’s Grace, she attended that Pooja and then she brought that book to my house also. I just saw that book but didn’t read. Once my periods were over again i got same answer from our Sai. Then i got link also for Mahalaxmi Astakam. While checking that link, I got shocked because the mantra which is in the link and the book which my mom brought to my home both are same. Our Sai only sent that book to my home in the form of my neighbour. It’s absolutely our Sai’s Miracle.
My another one experience is, I need to travel half an hour from my home to office. One day, i wish to see our Baba’s Photo or Idol during travel in somewhere. I got down from the bus but i couldn’t find anyone. I was very much upset and walked towards my office. Suddenly, one auto crossed me, In that auto i saw Baba’s Photo. I don’t know from where that auto comes because i was working there since two years. There was an auto stand but i didn’t see any such autos till that. Really that was a Miracle. At that time i feel really blessed. After that also i started searching for that auto but still now i can’t find that auto. Sai Baba, You only know my sufferings and pain which i am facing now. I hope everything will be fine soon by Your grace. I trust You Baba. I need to be Your child till end of my life. Sai Baba, You are my Everything now. Please never leave me alone Baba. Please bless everyone with peace. If i did anything wrong Please forgive me Baba. Om Sai Ram.

Sai sister Simran from Australia says: Om Sai Ram. I was only 12 when my mother passed away unexpectedly on a family holiday in South Africa due to an Asthma attack. My mother had planned this holiday. She was a big Sai Baba devotee and wanted to visit Shirdi when we got back from our trip. But God had other plans for her and I trust that He knows best. We got my mother’s body back to India and did the needful to have her soul rest on peace. My father also had her photo printed in the arbitrary section of the news paper to inform the people that didn’t know she had passed away. In honour of my mother a few months after her passing, my family as well as my mum’s brother and his wife decided to go to Shirdi for Baba’s Darshan.
As we were waiting in a queue, my eyes wondered over to the queue besides us and there was my miracle. I told my dad that mama is with us. He thought I was going a bit crazy and asked me where. I pointed to a complete stranger in the other queue alongside us. He had bought some flowers for the Darshan probably from one of the vendors. Those flowers were wrapped in the newspaper that had my mum’s photo on it. Sai Baba made sure she got the Darshan she truly wanted. Thousands of people every day came for Darshan and plenty of newspapers printed after my mum’s death but Sai Baba wanted us to know that my mum was taken care of and that He is with us always. Although I didn’t understand the full extent of the miracle when I was young the older I get the more I realise how truly blessed I am. I believe that the lord will always show me the right path and help me pay my karma with strength, humility and hopefully good humour. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi Team, I was searching for online Sai Satcharitra and happened to see your website where i could share my real life miracle with Sai Baba. This was few years back (2005) when my maternal aunt was alive. She loved Sai Baba as she got to know about His greatness through her sister. She wanted to read His life story and know Him more and therefore she got a Sai Satcharitra from her sister. She was having a very bad vision and could not read anything from the book. But she was so much in love with Sai Baba that she started chanting “Sri Sainathaya Namaha, Sri Sai Babaya Namaha” For every line in the book as she could not see what was typed. Somewhere in the middle of the book to my astonishment and to her great love for Sai Baba, when she was thus chanting, she all of a sudden got her vision back and she could read each and every word typed in the book. She had tears in her eyes. I must say that i am the lucky one to witness this miracle of Sai Baba to give vision to the one who could hardly see anything typed on the book. She did visit Shirdi after that and later she took her last painless breath on a Thursday evening (2009) which is considered to be an auspicious day for Sai Baba devotees. I’m thus happy to share the experience of the miracle of Sai Baba and the blessed Devotee of His. Thank you all for giving the opportunity to share this with everyone. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I have been a Sai devotee for last few years. I have seen major ups and downs in my life. Baba has been with me through all of it, though at sometimes, i have felt His absence. Now when I look back, He was there always. Life seems to be calm and then all of sudden a big storm. It again quietens (calm) for a while to have a new storm. I am currently in such a bad phase where I need Baba to help me. My husband is jobless, stared his own venture in India. I am in USA with daughter on my last year of H1. Please Baba, my employer should renew my H1. Attorney charged them huge fees so far, which I was clueless and now management is scared of losing more money for extension and green card. Sai only You can help me. Please save us from this situation! Om Sai Ram.
Prayer for Today: Urgent Prayer – Sai Devotee Nisha

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
I love u sai maa
Om sairam
Gurudev datta ☺
Dear sai devotee Simran, when i read your experience really had tears in my eyes. How amazing our baba's leelas. He fulfills all the desires of his true devotees. His words never fails. Love you so much Baba. Thanks a lotttt for being with us on each and every second of our life. Make us surrender in your holy feet completely and bless us always.
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please be with me.SAI BABA please bless me.OM SAI RAM
Dear shirdi sai baba
Pls bless above devotee to marry to person loved ny above said devotee do some miricale bless all both parties agree for their love mairrage.bless all happiness joy love peace sicess happy mariied lyf .baba sai only you u can grace upon them bless them .u r the only one who understand all our worries pain .so surrender to ur feet bless above said devotee.
So kindly accept the my rqst and letter on above said words letter of the above devotee.
Yours faithfully son
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
Om sai ram. I am going through exactly same situation. I want mine and his parents to accept us with thier whole heart. This pain of being separated is unbearable but I know one day sai will make our wish come true. Sai baba please help all of us. Sai baba show us a way n guide us. May sai unite you with your love soon. God bless you. Om Sai Ram.
I am going under the same situation. even about 10 years of patience and faith my parents not agree with the love of my life. Baba you gave so much strength to face many problems so far and proved me you are with me but i dont know why you not believe my faith on you. you know no one is there for me except you. please don make me deny my faith on you. I want to be at your lotus feet till my breath with thankfullness. Please baba.. dont want to hurt my parents too.. please make them to realize the truth and convince them on my behalf. Who is there for me if you are not. please show your mercy on us.
Dear Shirdi sai baba, First i would to thank u for changing my behaviour.I was spoiling my life by myself during the past.Its really good to see a new ME.At this i would request you to get me married to him and show me the best career option.I was not able to be in a job more than few days/weeks.Please dont angry with me when i approach a spiritual healer.Since he is healing using ur name,having faith in u,etc, thats why i am planning to approach him.Please answer my prayers SAI.My life is fully and always dependent on your love,care,mercy,protection & blessings only SAI
Dear devotee , can u please tell me what is this spritual healer and who did u approach too
O Deva, help us take the lessons we learn from Your life to our heart and make us better human beings please 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Waiting since morning for the this page of beloved sai
Please bless my son to clear his exam deva
Dear devotees, I am facing a very tough time in life for soo many days/years now. I am getting old and not yet married and I doubt if I would ever get married and also having some serious health issues. Everyday I get up with no hope in life and Sai is my only saviour. I doubt if I would ever have a normal and happy life.I feel inferior in front of each and every person I meet.But I must say I have wonderful parents, sister and cousin. I will always be greatful to Sai for it. Now at office I am secretly in love with a guy and this guy is very popular in office an I asked sai if this guy is in love with me and sai said yes butthat is not what I feel when I actually talk to that guy. So is the answer given by Sai wrong and is it my stupidity to believe in this?
Om Sai ram…Dear devotee…Don't lose'll definitely have a happy n healthy marriage life by Baba's grace…Regarding your love, why don't you ask or propose directly to the Guy and know for yourself without waiting in anxiety..just my thought…May Baba bless us all…Om Sai ram
Om Sai Mehma Mehma .. Baba pls help her to reach her destination where you want her to be .. Deva pls bless her n guide her .. Om Sai Ram
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om sai sri sai jai jai sri sai nathaya namaha
om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram, help me baba tomorrow i have a interview,please be with me,i am very tensed baba.
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai
Nice experiences. Thanks for sharing
Om of my father and brother.give peace of of sivabalan.
Om sairam.unable to forget him baba.he is married actually.😀😀😀
Baba there is no end to ur leela and love for ur devotees. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read Satcharitra consecrated by u in Shirdi. I feel so fortunate! Thank you for drawing me closer to u through Pranayam and Guruvar vrat especially in this most crucial time of my life. Saima, please help me put my doubting mind to rest and have full and absolute faith in ur matter how huge and impossible the task and wish at hand might be, once u have given ur will come true. Waiting to Celebrate with u Saima, love you so so much. Om Sai Ram.
Om sai ram _ / _
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om Sairam,
Baaba thank you for guiding us, guarding us and protecting us. Baba please always shower Your grace on us. Baba please forgive us for all our sins and mistakes that way me have done knowingly or unknowingly. Baba thank you for everything that you do for us. Baba we need your help. Please Baba shower Your grace on us. Baba please bless us with health, happiness and long life. Baba please always keep us at Your Lotus Feet. Baba please always keep Your Hand on our heads. Baba koti koti pranams at your Lotus Feet. Baba thank you for everything.
Jai Sairam
i had tears in my eyes after reading 4th devotees story. you are really great to have such firm faith in baba.
Deva, please shower your blessings on this devotee and her family.
may baba bless everyone.
Ananthakoti Brahmanda nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Shri Satchitananda Sathguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
OM sai ram,
BABA I surrender to your lotus feet DEVA pls forgive my sins if i had done in past knowingly or unknowingly … BABA if I had done something good in life pls give all d beneifits to her n make her a nice , polite n blessed lady PRABHU pls bless her n free me from all the worries n tensions … DEVA PlS BE WITH US ALWAYS … OM SAI RAM .. SHIRDI SAI RAM …JAI JAI SAI RAM … SADGURU SAI RAM …OM SAI RAM …DEVA PLS HELP
I would like to share my experience in short as I am a devotee of shiridi sai baba for the past 20 years recently my daughter wanted to go for IIT coaching classes as she secured a good percentage in 10 class examination but as I was not concentrating on it but she was very reluctant to go for coaching classes later on i decided to join in one of the coaching which I found it to be better in my sorrounding area but to be frank the fees for it was 3 lac for two years and I hardly had any money with me and my job is also at stake I could not do anything but only to tell my daughter to leave it and as i had no money but it was baba my Deva who had arranged that 3 lacs which was required for coaching which was absouletely impossible by me now she is going for IIT classes which i am very happy I am penning down with tears in my eyes she is very happy as her wish was fulfilled by baba but there is a major hurdle that is I lost my job and I am searching for a new job hope baba will help me in finding me a new job Baba pls help me as i am in deep sorrow
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all