Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Sai Sister Garima from India says: I got enrolled into the PhD course in year 2012 in a Nationally reputed Institute. Everything was moving smoothly. But, during the end of year 2015 everything turned upside down. I started feeling a very negative pressure in my lab. Initially I was not able to recognise the kind of pressure I was feeling from my seniors and my PhD guide.
At personal front, my life was moving very smoothly, I got married in December 2015 and with Sai Baba’s grace I am having a very supportive and loving family. I took leave from lab for marriage in Dec and Jan. Since my husband was residing in Germany I stayed with him for one month after marriage. I re-joined the lab at the end of January 2016. Again I started feeling lots of negative energy around me. Everything in the professional front was appearing negative and disturbing. Things were not going smooth and my relations with the boss and others started falling apart. I had very good terms with my boss but suddenly he started treating me very badly. He threw me out of his lab. Since I was in mid of my PhD bench work, I started sitting in another lab and kept doing my work.
Suddenly on 30th September 2016 he asked me to resign from his lab and said that he would allow me to submit the thesis with the work that I had already finished, and there was no need to continue with anything anymore. I was in immense pressure since last so many months, so I gave him my resignation and left the institute. He gave me an opportunity to write my thesis at home and submit it as soon as I was done. Since my husband was in USA at this time, so I moved to USA to stay with him and write my thesis at home. It takes a lot of time to write down the thesis about the work you are doing for almost 4-5 years. I gave him my thesis rough draft for correction in Feb 2017. After this I started looking for job in USA. But, since my boss denied giving recommendation to me, I lost a very good job at the very last moment. Because I had no recommendation from current boss and could not secure any job without it, I was bound to work voluntarily without any pay in one of the labs in University. I had to submit my thesis in May 2017. But, my boss returned the corrected version of thesis in the last week of July 2017 and mailed me to submit the thesis in hard copy as soon as I could.
In August first week with the help of one of my husband’s friend in India I got my thesis printed. My parents went to submit my thesis after getting it signed by the boss. At this moment he didn’t sign and kept them (they were 6 copies) with himself saying he would sign and submit them soon. My parents returned back. After this he did not sign the thesis for next 2 months and now it was end of October 2017. Now the thesis submission was delayed by almost 6 months which should have been done in May 2017. During this whole period I kept praying to Lord Sai Baba to give me strength and courage to face everything and stand confidently. I have no words to explain the trauma I had gone through. Every time I used to curse myself for the decision of getting enrolled into PhD program held in 2012. Only the faith in Sai Baba kept me patient during this period. Finally, my boss signed the thesis on 25th October. With Sai Baba’s grace I met many good souls who helped me during this period. Sai Baba gave me an opportunity to work voluntarily at one place from where I got a very good recommendation and was able to secure a paid job. I am grateful to Sai Baba for His abundant blessings and for relieving me from this traumatic zone. Sai Baba is the Saviour.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I would like to thank you Hetal ji from my bottom of heart for bringing devotee experiences on this platform. This website has changed my life. Please try to publish this as this will bring more faith and devotion towards our Lord Sai Baba. The miracles published on this website has increased my devotion towards God. I have been Sainath devotee at the age of 15. I would like to share few of my experiences so that it will bring someone to devotion towards Sainath.
In 2016 we were planning Kids and I prayed Sainath to bless us with girl child and opened Satcharitra. I got the experience of devotee who Baba promised that you will be blessed with Baby in 1 year. Sai Baba gave coconut to the devotee after blessing. I was spellbound and even though things were not positive for few months. I had complete faith and was blessed with a Baby girl. Her Name is Shraddha. Thanks Lord for giving this gift.
Another experience is I had a desire to read bible in my mind. I wanted to read if someone gave the Bible to read it. I was doing Guru Charitra Parayan and was going for shopping. Suddenly two kids came to me and they asked if I would want to buy Bible from them? I was shocked and later brought the Bible. He has listened to my prayer. I wanted to ask forgiveness from Sainath for one of the worst things I did in my life. I still do not know how I did that too on my favourite Thursday. I am begging for His forgiveness through prayers. I promised that I will never repeat this mistake. I am suffering for my mistake. I am waiting for Him to remove my pain and need His blessings. Thanks Sainath for coming into our lives and please remove our ignorance.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sai Om Sai Om Sai…! My experience is about How Sai Baba blessed me with a perfect job within a couple of days of asking. Hello readers I have been a devotee of Sai for nearly two decades. He has always blessed me and my family. I had somehow lost hope of getting the perfect job that I have always dreamt of. Suddenly, I decided I was going to get the job of my dreams with Sai’s blessings. I got a call for a job within a few days of wishing. I did not prepare for an interview, but I took my documents anyway. I got the job without any hindrance. They did not ask me anything about my qualifications or why I did not work for 2 years. I will be joining in December (I got a dream revealing all of these details) along with two other lovely persons. One of them is a girl who has become my best friend (revealed by my dream). Sai Baba also sent me a message through a website to not look at my salary and compare it with others. I shall listen to Him. From now on I will trust Him and not doubt Him. Even if I doubt Him, I am sure He will calm me down at once. I was reading experiences from this amazing site before the interview. So I promised myself and Baba that I will tell everyone of You about how quickly Baba blessed me. I am also asking Him to make my family peaceful, harmonious and loving. I am asking Him to help me be the best at my job and give only love and respect to everyone. God bless everyone who has posted on this site and God bless the creators of this site. Sai Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai Om.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sai always protects and saves me. I am so grateful to Him for all the things that I have in my life. Sai has helped me through so many challenges. He has taken care of my parents. Either mum having viral fever and other complications or my dad having vertebrae crack and undergoing surgery, Sai has always been there, put His hand on our heads, healed us and taken care of us. I stayed away from home for the first time in my life for job training and Sai was always there through the tough times with me. He is aware of all my fears, weaknesses and shortcomings and yet He protects me with His loving hand. Please Sai Baba, please Sai Ma, keep my parents healthy and give them a long, happy life.
I cannot imagine my day without Him. I cannot imagine turning to anyone when I feel scared, before Him. He has blessed me with so many things. He has put His merciful hand on my head. He is like my backbone. He is my strength and my support as well as my courage to go through life. He is my Saviour. I cannot explain how thousands of times He has rescued me or saved me. I read the 108 Sai names everyday. You are just not God, You are also my companion always. Thank You for all the things You have given me. Bless my parents, my family and me. Thank You. Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from Malaysia says: l have been a devotee of Baba for 6 years and have shared many experiences of which some have been published on this blog. My sincere thanks to Hetal ji and team for maintaining this wonderful platform which is to many like me an eye opener to experience the Leelas of Baba. Coming to my experience, last Tuesday evening my 6 year old granddaughter was playing in my room. Suddenly l heard her scream and rushed to her aid. She had a nasty fall and had hit her leg against the cabinet nearby. She was screaming and l took her in my arms and while wiping her tears told her to say Om Sai Ram. She repeated Om Sai Ram only three times and the next instant she told me her pain has gone and said “Thank You Baba’ and she went to continue with her play with her toys. See the moment a child (we are all His children) calls Baba, He is there in an instant. With total faith if we call Him He will come running to our aid. Though this may be such a small thing for some but for my granddaughter it was a wonderful experience and l am so happy that she loves Baba unlike her parents. l am praying to Baba to draw them to His Lotus Feet and l am sure He will pull them to Him soon. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am a small devotee of Baba living in USA. I am nothing without my Baba. I like to pray Baba and like to be His devotee forever. I have posted couple of experiences on this site. Thank you team for all of hard work. Sorry for any inconvenience, I started Nav Guruvar Vrat for my brother to stop bad addiction and I had promised Baba that I would post experience. Sorry, Baba for late post, he was doing very good but again Baba he is moving towards wrong direction. Please, Please, Please, Baba bless him with stable job and for his future. Baba shower Your blessings on all of us. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai, Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
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Shirdi Sai Gifted Me A Tulsi Plant Miraculously During Mahaparayan
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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram. I think there's some change in the website format .. this one makes little confusing. I am sorry Hetal ji and team if thats not good to say as u are doin a great job but I somehow got addicted to the old one I really liked that..jus a thot came. sai ram bless everyone. Baba Please take out every person from their sorrows and bless them happiness
Thank You O Deva 🙂
Good new look and feel. Hope all the bugs are ironed out soon.
Jai Sairam
Aum Sri Sai Ram.
Baba please be with my parents, my sister and our family. Protect us. Help me and free me from my many worries Sai. Thanks. Aum Sri Sai Ram.
Omsairam…baba people are troubling me me in all directions..only you are saving me…thankyou so much….otherwise by today i would have been finished…already my life is horrible..baba everybody is behind bloodi caste..forgive my sins tc of my father and brother
Jai Sai Ram 🙏
Why you are doing this to me?? Are you hearing my voice?? Why are you cheating me?? Why are you fooling me by your fake words? Am waiting for 2years still you are not answering my prayer..did many vrats.. Now also doing nav guru vrat 7 weeks passed but still no answer… You made me crying more than years…are you enjoying by seeing my tears?am lost… Lost my full hope..everyone saying impossible is possible by your grace… But in my life ur words are untrue… I trusted you n waiting for ur blessings but your hitting me away where shall I go?begging you please fulfil my wish.. Please all pray for me .. Answer me
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram,
This entire week mind was disturbed with various reasons. Praying to Sai was my only hope. Chanting Om Sai, Shree Sai,Jai Jai Sai!! Minimum 18 times n more throughout the days of the week worked its miracles for me! One by one issues found closure granting me peace of mind all thanks to my Baba! Thank you so much Baba for your constant love care n supporr which i cannot live without.Your miracles are unfathomable! Om Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram
Baba please forgive me deva. Please bless my family with good health and guide my children to reach their destinations thandri.
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba as i dont have any one other then you to look after, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help get a full time job baba, please give good health to my parents and kids baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.