Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Hello all devotees. I am here to share my two recent Sai Baba’s blessing I experienced. Thanks Hetalji and the wonderful team for enriching us with Baba’s miracles. Please keep me anonymous.
Miracle 1: Recently my husband was traveling from one to city another in the US. Let’s call them City A and B. After working he left for airport at city A and reached the security checkpoint when he had around 40 minutes left for his departure. He messaged me stating that he reached the airport and was going for the security check. While he was undergoing for his security check, for some reason, the security personnel wanted to thoroughly check his backup by removing all of these items as it was a holiday season and he was carrying a laptop as well despite clearing the screening process. Sometimes in the US, a security personnel randomly picks up a traveller for additional security check. So the entire security process took around 15-20 minutes.
As the security personnel emptied his backpack, he had to rushing to load his bag back and go to his gate. In the midst of loading this bag, he forgot his cell phone at the security checkpoint and started running towards the gate. He didn’t realize that he had left any of his belonging at the security checkpoint until he boarded the flight. Normally once he boards the flight he messages me. At that time of his departure, I had a meeting. After I came back to my desk, I checked the flight status and it had departed at least 5 minutes earlier than its usual time. As he didn’t message me that he departed, I thought he might have missed his flight and have not disclosed me as I would be upset. As he was in the mid-air, I did not call him. Also, after the flight landed in City B, I didn’t receive any message and this reaffirmed my hunch that he had missed his flight.
However, I got a call from a local number and it was my husband stating that he reached city B safely but had lost his mobile phone which he realized only after boarding the flight. I was surprised as he is very careful about his belongings. Anyways, I told to come home and we would check his bag again. I started praying our Beloved Baba to help find his cell phone and starting call his number. The phone was ringing but nobody picked it up. I was anxious (of not losing the phone) but all the contact lists and the emails that had configured on his cell phone and it should not go into wrong hands. I had faith in Baba that the phone would be in his bag only. Thinking all these, I kept on calling. After probably one hour later, one man answered at the other end and when I told him that it was my husband’s cell phone, he said “yes and he had left it at the security point”. That man turned out to be security personnel and he mentioned that he would deposit the cell phone at the lost and found and my husband could pick it up later. Imagine devotees, how can you get back your lost items in the airport especially during the holiday season. It was none other our Baba Who made it possible and reaffirmed my faith.
Miracle 2: After coming to City A, my husband had to travel to City C by car which normally would take about 4 hours one side. He has travelled to City C numerous times before. However, this time when was about to travel, I felt some uneasiness and was worried as he had to take a busy highway. I could not ask him to cancel his trip as he had already told his co-workers that he would be coming to City C for work. Again, I went running to Baba and prayed Him to be with my husband and bring him back home safely at the end of the day. I told my husband to apply Udi before he started his trip; as I know Baba will protect my husband in the form of Udi. Baba listened to my prayers and my husband returned safely. These two recent miracles reaffirmed my faith but being human, I sometimes get upset with Baba when my wishes are not fulfilled. I know in my heart that He is working for my own good but still cannot understand His leela until the time is right. Baba please showers Your blessing on my family and all Your devotees. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UAE says: Om Sai Ram. My humble pranams at Dear Baba’s feet. I am Baba’s daughter from UAE. I have posted few experiences here. My entire family loves Baba. He too showers His blessings in abundance on us. He is with us, in all the ups and downs of our life. We cannot function without Baba. May Baba bless us all with good health and happiness.
There’s no end to Baba’s mercy and blessings. It is His blessings to us that we all are one big family, under the umbrella of His protection and mercy. Hetal and her team are doing a fantastic seva to Baba by this site. Baba is the core of our existence. There’s no survival without Him. Life brings about lots of ups and downs, and we sail through it only because we know Baba is with us, in any circumstances.
Today is Ugadi the 18th of March 2018. I had severe to medium breast pain in Dec 2017, was running fever too. Around the same time, my kids were expected to visit us for their vacation. My first course of medication was only Baba’s Udi and nothing else. But, the pain didn’t reduce and my irritation was at its peak, affecting the kids too. I wasn’t able to concentrate on anything. Finally, prayed and took Baba’s permission and visited the Dr, at first glance she told it was nothing but tissue inflammation. After medications, felt better. Again by Feb end the pain began and again I used only Udi. Then I left the whole thing to Baba. Till March 14th I somehow handled the pain, on my husband’s insistence visited the gynaecologist. Without any ado, straightaway she sent me for mammogram and ultra sound. Baba, what do I do now? I left everything to Him. Chanted ‘Baba Sai’ throughout the tests. Tests were taken two days ago on a Thursday. Yesterday, being Saturday we were getting ready to go to the temple, when we called the clinic to find out about the reports. The nurse on duty said, that everything was normal. So went to my Pooja room and thanked our Baba million times for the clear report. But, while we were in the car going to temple, the same nurse called and said that we need to go and meet the doctor as the reports were not that good. I cannot tell what I felt at that time. In a second the whole world turned upside down. Asked Baba, what do we do? So instead of temple we went to see the doctor.
Baba made us wait a lot in the clinic. My husband was super confident that everything would be fine. My fears only I could share with Baba, but the longer we waited, I got more and more composed. Of course there was no other respite or saviour other than Baba. Finally, we saw the doctor first thing she said was everything was normal. All the radiology reports were fine, except that there were calcifications in the breast, and one side lymph node was a bit swollen so better to take a second opinion from a surgeon. That was the only message the doctor wanted to convey to us personally. Thank You Baba for Your blessings and saving our family. Baba please be with us always, we cannot thank You enough for everything that You shower on us. You are our Father, our God. Resting my visit to the surgeon at Your feet, Baba. Kindly cure this pain. Please let me become normal soon. Thank You my Baba. Kindly show us Your presence and blessings during the visit to the surgeon.
After meeting the doctor we proceeded to go to the temple, but Baba had other plans, we met with lot of traffic and couldn’t even reach the road that lead to the temple. We saw from far, rows of cars heading towards temple. But we couldn’t make it. Finally we returned back home, because Baba wanted us to visit the temple on Ugadi/ Gudi Padva day only. Where there is Trust, there is no doubt. Once we rest our fears and burdens at His Feet, there’s no taking them back on us. Being humans, the doubt factor shakes us up sometimes, but only to build up our confidence on Baba more strongly. Baba, we seek Your forgiveness for any mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly. Please forgive us. Baba, please accept our sincere prayers, please bless us with good health. Kindly take care of this procedure that will take place on the 27th March. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from New Zealand says: Hello Sai family, sharing my Baba’s experience. Today I went out with my aunt and mom in ferry to Devonport (Auckland) New Zealand. While returning I thought of praying to our dear Lord Sai. He immediately took note of my Prayer and fulfilled my wish even before I prayed. Later when I came home and looking at other stuff I was doing with Final Cut Pro (IMAC video editing software). Baba spoke with me and said these words; ‘Sairam Your soul is within me and I am within you’. Immediately I was told by our dear Sai to share with all Sai family worldwide. Also, recently I have been with direct communication with Lord Sai. He said that “Sairam do not worry about past or future, as long as I am in this world I will take good care of you.” He also said that I will settle in Shirdi very soon. This proved that our dear Sai is very active as He promised from His tomb and I wanted to say that. If I have any regrets that would be not to be known by Our dear Sai. Please devotees I urge everyone to do this for success! If anyone has any problems in life or want material or spiritual success then Pray To Sai. Option 1: I will come to Shirdi if my problems are solved. Option 2: I will visit nearby Sai mandir on Thursday and take prasad. Option 3: Read Sai satcharitra within 7 days. Starting on Thursday and finishing on Wednesday. Alternatively if none of these are feasible then the last option is write 1008 times Om Sairam in a book and give it to a local temple. I request you to follow them as per your easiness. Please do not reveal my name to anyone. Om Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Usha from USA says: Hello Everyone, My name is Usha and I live in USA
Thanks to each one of the Sai devotee whose story made me believe Sai more and made me connect with you all on this forum. Though my parents used to worship Sai but as a kid I was not an ardent devotee. I started feeling His presence in my life after I got married and when I was waiting for my US Visa. One day while I was sleeping I heard someone saying get my photo and start worshiping and yes that was none other than my Sai Baba and today is the day when I can’t stop thinking about my Sai Baba for a minute also. Last night when I called my mom she told me while lifting a vessel full of water she got a sprain on her back and for a minute she couldn’t breathe and felt her right side of the body was not moving. Though I made her feel she would be OK but I only know how much I cried and prayed Sai Baba to make my mom well. I prayed Sai Baba that if she got fine by morning I would post my experience here and share with everyone. I so many times fight with Sai Baba saying He is not doing anything for me but today I want to say thanks to Sai Baba. I cannot even think of my life without You. Please bless my family and everyone out here who pray to You. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees, thank you Hetal Garu for this Devine blog from where all devotees are getting relief from their pains and fulfilling their wishes with our beloved Baba.
Coming to my experience, since three days my finger was paining and I don’t know why. Then I thought applying Udi and promised Baba to post the experience in the blog if it got better. Later in the evening after finishing my pooja applied Udi, and you all won’t believe that next minute it was getting better and by the next day no pain and felt my finger was normal. All this was possible only because of Udi. Sorry Baba in delaying. Baba with Your blessing my little one is doing good and hope she continues like this. I know You are there for me and for her as well please Baba take care of her. I have left to You and it’s Your responsibility to take care of her. Bless all devotees and old people with good health. Baba, please stay with me and give patience to handle everything. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks to Hetalji and team for this nice platform, where all Sai bandhus share their experiences with our Beloved Baba.
I am going through a huge crisis now, which I am sure will be resolved by Baba in due course of time. But today’s post is to express my thankfulness to the Merciful Saimaa. My son had mistakenly been given to eat sometime that had turned somewhat stale. When I came to know, I prayed to Baba and gave him some Udi mixed in water. Its two days and he is okay. No stomach upset. Thanks to my Sai. Love You Baba. Om Sai Ram.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
thank you all for sharing your experiences
sai ram
May He continue to shower us, His children, with His grace.
Jai Sairam
baba I am sorry baba I am feeling very guilty today I have done a mistake even though I knew it but I don't know what I have to do but felt some what relief because you gave me Prasad even though I did not ask thaat you baba
I am sorry baba please forgive me
i know you are with me saving my family
baba I so sorry
please help to concentrate on my studies
I want to complete
help me baba
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram🙏
Omsairam…bless my father and brother with a good health…tc of them…love you baba….😀😀😀😀
Baba please help, bless and save my parents?and our school… Baba….. .Exams… Help…
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo