Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Devotee B Krishnapriya from India says: Sairam. This is my experience with Baba in getting a bank job. Please bear with my lengthy post. I completed my B.Tech in 2015 after and that I started preparing for bank jobs as I wanted a government job. I used to write each and every exam. As I belong to Open category it was very difficult to be in the final list for me as every time I lost by 0. 5 marks like that.
Then I started reading Sai Satcharitra, Gurucharitra, Sree Padasree Vallabha Charitra, used to chant Vishnu Sahasranama, Siddamangalastotram, did many Nava Guruvar Vrathas, Divya puja. At one point of time I lost hope on Baba and started asking Him why these many failures I have to face, these many hurdles to get a job even after doing parayanas, pujas etc.?
I visited Shirdi, Akkalkot, Pitapuram in these two years of span. Every time I used to ask Him through chits whether I will get through this or not? Every time Baba gave positive reply but it turned out to be a failure. After seeing all this; my mom went to an astrologer for knowing my future. He told I would not get any job, neither government job nor bank job was there in my fate, if even if I attend hundreds of interviews, still I would not get through it. After listening that I got very disappointed and I performed pujas as instructed by pujari. That night I really felt very sad and cried. That day night I got one dream where I was asking Baba that whether I will get job or not then Baba smiled at me and told that I will get a job and not to worry. Then I gained confidence and prepared well for this time and didn’t ask Baba through chits. I told Baba that I will directly write the exam and will wait for results. Like this I prepared and got my first job in Karur Vysya bank and I joined, worked for 1 month only as then I got Canara bank. So I resigned from Karur Vysya Bank and joined Canara. Now I have successfully completed 6 months and have got confirmed yesterday(15-03-18) i. e on Thursday Mahaparayan day. This is how I came close to Baba within 2 years. Now I have become very strong.
I understood the true meaning of Shradda and Saburi. Baba could have given me job in 2015 only but He wanted me to understand His two paisa i. e Faith and Patience and He made me to realise that our fate can be changed when we pray to Sadguru. May be job is not there in my fate but Baba has given me which was not in my fate also. He made me to pray all 5 Avataras of Dattareyaswami. In these two years Baba came in my dreams so many times and told me that I am His favourite devotee. Even though I suffered a lot in getting a job but I am very happy today that Baba is with His devotees whatever might be the situation. I am very thankful to You Baba, not only about career but my personal problems are also solved by Baba.
Thank you for reading this lengthy story. Thanks to all. Jai Sairam. Next time I will share another experience. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you Hetalji and team for the wonderful service that you are doing by maintaining this blog. May Baba bless you abundantly.
My sister was facing troubles in her office due to her colleague’s behaviour. She used to unnecessarily complain about my sister to the manager, who in turn used to humiliate her in front of others. Things turned so bad that they asked my sister to resign. After that my sister kept applying for various jobs, but till more than 2 months nothing clicked. I did saptah parayan asking Baba to bless her with a good job. Finally after few days she got through a top software company with a good designation. She was asked to join in 3 to 4 days. We were really happy for her. However the HR called the next day and told that first her background verification had to be completed and only then she could join, which may take upto 2 weeks. We were again disappointed and prayed to Baba. The next day itself the HR told that she could join in 2 days only since they received approval as a special case that the verification can happen even after she joins. Who else but our beloved Baba could do such miracles? Thank You is a very small word Baba for such a wonderful blessing. You not only saved my sister from mental tension which she was going through since the past few months but also gave her such a great opportunity. I hope that her background verification is successful and there are no more hurdles in her career now. Please fulfil our other wishes too. Anantakoti Brahmandanayaka Parabrahma Shri Sacchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaja Ki Jai.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Kalavathi from India says: I am at little sparrow named Kalavathi; pulled by our God towards Him. Do have many miracles and are posted here by the grace of Sai. Thanks to Hetal ji.
So many experiences with me but I prayed Sai to post here two of them. Actually my youngest brother was very much suffering from fever so he cancelled his tickets to Hyderabad where his daughter is staying. He and Bobby had to take their daughter to Mumbai to attend some exam. From there he planned to visit Shirdi after she finished her exam. But he couldn’t get up from bed due to high temperature. He is an ardent devotee of Sai. So by the next day he felt little bit okay and so he booked the flight along with Bobby and went to Hyderabad and took his daughter to Mumbai. After the exam they had nice darshan of Sai. I prayed Sai if everything goes well then I would post this Leela here. I know that just thanks is not enough for Baba. Second experience is regarding my daughter’s trip in USA. As she has suffered with body pains she became panic to travel even for two hours ride. Once she tried to go to a nearer place in USA about two hours distance. Yes, Sai never lets His devotees down. She went and was back to home nicely with Baba’s support. Koti Pranams to Sai. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am Sai devotee from USA. I have submitted few experiences before.
Sai Ram everybody. Yesterday was Baba’s day, I wanted to go to the Sai temple but wasn’t sure if I would be able to. So I just left it to Baba that if He wishes it will happen. At last minute I got a chance to go. I was driving; still I was worried about the things I was going through. The car in front of me said ‘this too shall pass’. I started crying and felt that Baba was talking to me. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. I reached temple and had a beautiful darshan. I have complete faith in Him. He is always there for His children. Anantkoti Bramhand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj Parabramha Sri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jay.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Namaste to all Sai devotees. Today I am going to tell you all one of the miracle that I have experienced with Baba’s grace.
In our company they had arranged a fashion show. My manager gave my name to participate in the show. Problem with me was, I never wore high heels and walked. So, I got scared but I practiced with those heels for two days. Still I didn’t get much confidence to wear those heels. On the day of show I prayed Hanuman ji and Baba that if everything goes smooth then I will write my experience. Show went very well though we didn’t win any price. We were all very happy. Thank You Baba Jai Sri Ramanjaneya. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am a Sai devotee past 10 years. Believe me Baba has never let His devotees suffer. Firstly I would like to thank Hetal ji and team for maintaining this wonderful blog.
Coming to my experience; yesterday (15. 3. 2018) I was having neck pain and I was totally confused what to do. Every Thursday I am Doing Baba’s four aartis; so at the time of Shej Aarathi I told Baba, “You have to make my Pooja proper”. And see the Baba’s miracle; my pain vanished before Shej Aarathi. Baba You are our everything. Please keep Your blessings on us.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Thank You for Your sweet miracles O Deva 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram. Baba please bless me with the miracle
Omsairam..bless my father and brother with a good health…forgive our sins….love you baba.
Baba nobody helped back to bring our things or car but now they want to enjoy our car…this is sso disgusting baba people are so mean….om sairam..
Omsairam..bless my father and brother with a good health…forgive our sins….love you baba.
Baba nobody helped back to bring our things or car but now they want to enjoy our car…this is sso disgusting baba people are so mean….om sairam..
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Baba please bless and save my parents, please don't make any quarrels, i cant go througb them again.. Please help sai
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram make us wise and kind Sai