Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Baba’s Timely Divine Blessings

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Thank you for this modern online Satcharitra. I feel blessed to be a part of your Saiyug network.

Experience 1: One night my daughter suddenly started coughing badly in her sleep and seemed very restless. She also developed a high fever and we were very worried. I prayed to Baba to help her recover and needless to say that she started feeling better in 3 days. Baba, it’s so difficult to see the kids suffering. Please take care of them, Thandri.

After my daughter recovered, me and my husband also fell sick. We had sore throats, cold and cough. We got very scared of these symptoms given the current pandemic situation. I prayed to Baba to save us and He helped us to come out of it.

Experience 2: My baby who turned one in April this year, hasn’t been gaining much weight since he was two months old. I was worried about him reaching his milestones. I prayed Baba to help me to start Sai Divya Pooja for my kids’ health. With Baba’s blessings he started walking after his first birthday, even before I started the Sai Divya Pooja. But my daughter keeps complaining about headache these days Baba. She is just 4 years old. Please take care of her and also help her to find some
good friends in this new place.

Experience 3: We were planning to perform Sathyanarayana Swamy Vratham since two months but it was getting postponed for some reason. I prayed to Baba, to help us perform it without obstacles (because we have two little kids) and finally we were able to complete it successfully last week. Om Sairam.

Experience 4: It was already too late and I had to prepare food for my kids. I couldn’t find the pressure cooker weight. I searched everywhere for it. I was able to find it immediately after praying to Baba that I would post it here. My husband’s phone suddenly turned off and it didn’t turn on after so many trials. It started working only after I chanted Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam for 11 times and after I prayed to post it here. The following week the same thing happened to my phone. I applied Udi to my phone and it started working miraculously.

Experience 5: My husband and I had our second dose of vaccination around the same time. Many people had a lot of side effects after the second dose. I was worried because we have two small kids and not sure how our bodies would react. Prayed Baba to take care of us and with His blessings, I had mild side effects and was able to take care of my kids. However, my husband was completely down for 2-3 days but recovered with Baba’s grace.

Experience 6: We went out one day and when we returned I realized that my phone was missing. My husband went down to the parking lot and searched for it but in vain. I seriously couldn’t remember when I last saw it. But after chanting “Om Sairakshaka Sharanam” for 11 times, my husband at that very time found the phone in the stroller itself.

Experience 7: I was waiting for a message from my Mom and wasn’t sure if she got angry with me for some reason. Later I received a message from her after praying to Baba.

Experience 8: With Baba’s blessings I started doing yoga regularly these days. On the first day when I started my exercise, randomly a video popped up on YouTube that talked about how Shyama went to Vanni. Coincidentally the same chapter was one of my chapters for the Mahaparayan reading that day. Had goosebumps and felt very happy.

Prayers: Baba, my in-laws are thinking that I complained something about them and his sister to my husband and that’s why he is angry with them. But You know that I never complained and he does not even listen to what I have to say. My mother-in-law is a very clever lady and I know she is the one who is teaching such things to my father-in-law. Otherwise, he was the only person who was good to me when we were in India (My husband left me and my daughter in India for about 1 1/2 years and he returned to the USA). My mother-in-law has the talent to even separate us. Baba, please take care of the relationship between me and my husband Thandri. Both of us are short tempered and start fighting over petty things. Please bless us to have a happy and loving family life Thandri.

Baba, with Your blessings, my husband’s project should get extended again, Thandri. Please help me also to find a job soon, so that I am able to give some financial support to my husband Thandri. So many people took money from him and are not returning it.

Baba, please help me to lose weight. My feet are hurting these days and it could be because of my weight. Baba, please take care of my health, Om’s health, kids’ health, my parent’s health and my sisters’ and their families’ health and all Your devotees’ health too.

Baba, please help me to be nice and polite with my kids, Thandri. Sometimes unknowingly I am screaming at them. Also, please help me, my kids, my husband, parents, sisters and their families and Your devotees to recover from health issues.

Baba, please help my daughter to find good friends here, Thandri. Sometimes, she gets really sad about it. Baba, now a days my daughter is frequently complaining about headaches. She is just four years old, Baba. Please take care of her. Also, my one year old hurt his lip badly by falling down today and he also bumped his head really hard. Please take care of him also Thandri.

Baba, hope you are not angry with me for delaying my experiences submission. Also help me to start reading Your experiences on this site regularly again. Sometimes, it gets really difficult with the kids to be on schedule Baba. Om Sairam.

Good Intention Prayers Will Be Answered Earliest

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Any prayer done with a good intention will be answered earliest irrespective of the circumstances.

During the month of June, 2020, I was watching regional news channel in which they will address some issues every day. That particular day it was about a boy who sells samosas outside schools in order to support his educational expenses and also support his family. I was thinking if I did get a job I would provide some amount for kids like him who are suffering/striving hard to get a good education. I tried to search for the news again but I couldn’t.

About a month or later, my cousin kept telling me about an internship opportunity which he knew via his friend. It kept delaying but ultimately I got the internship. I thought it would be without any stipend due to Covid reasons and also I had minimal work experience. But, I got the opportunity with a very good stipend amount. This is how Sai Baba answers our good intentional prayers. I have already shared about my internship opportunity in another post.

Also, here I would like to tell you about another miracle. I had applied for a mentorship program. I badly wanted to get selected in that and kept praying. One Sunday morning, I woke up at 4am or so and was listening to Sai Baba’s Kakad Aarti (morning Aarti). After finishing it, I just checked my mail in which I had received an email that I had been selected for the mentorship program. This also happened in the month of June. Sorry for the late post Baba. Please forgive me. Praise be to Sai.
Om Sairam!

Baba Fulfilled My Wish

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba. I have experienced numerous blessings from Baba.

Coming to my latest experience, my husband graduated in the USA and it was planned that my husband, me and my twins would attend the graduation ceremony. But at the last minute my kids and I could not go. My husband really wanted us there after seeing a lot of families there. We too thought we wanted to go. His graduation started at 9 and by 9:30 he asked to come along with his friends to the location. That location was like half an hour away and it was difficult to reach there before 30 minutes.

I was praying to Sai Baba to help me witness my husband receiving the certification. We were in zoom live while driving and in between travel they started calling all the students. It was nearly impossible to reach on time. I was praying to Baba and my husband also thought that we would not reach as the location was stating 15 minutes away. I was praying to Baba and suddenly I saw a SAIA truck in the opposite direction. I generally look for Sai in any form and got reassured that we will reach on time. We reached just before he was awarded. Thank You Sai.

We cannot express our gratitude enough Baba. This looks small to someone but it means a lot to us. He will take care of minute things when prayed wholeheartedly. Jai Sairam. Please save India from the pandemic Baba. Please heal this world. Jai Sairam.

Have Faith In Baba, Baba Is There To Bless Us All

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. Please keep me anonymous. I am from Mumbai and always feel blessed to be at Baba’s feet.

Thank you to Hetalji and to the entire team for creating such a wonderful platform where we can express Baba’s blessings in our life.

Today I want to share my experience in this pandemic. I always wear my mask once I step out of my house. I heard 2 people had got the virus. I was very much afraid. I prayed to Baba to bless me and today I am so happy they have all recovered and I am fine too. Thank You Baba. With Baba’s blessings I am healthy.

My second experience is about my mobile which was not working. All of a sudden it had stopped. With Baba’s blessings my mobile started working. Thank You Baba for Baba’s blessings.

Thank You Baba for blessing me and my family. Baba, sorry for posting my experience late. Baba’s blessings are always there for me and my family.

Thank You Baba

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji and team, thank you for providing us with this divine platform.

Dear Baba, thank You so much that there is no problem between me and a colleague of mine. I thought she was upset with me. But she is not and she is helping me a lot. It is Your miracle Baba that You saved me from a bad situation between me and her. I won’t react in a hasty manner in future.

Thank You Baba as there is also no problem between me and another girl. I felt that there would be a complaint in my name, though deep down I knew it was not my fault. You saved me again Baba with Your miracle.

Thank You Baba as my mother’s ankle pain has reduced. As soon as I said I would post it here right after my mother recovered, my mother’s pain was less. You really do a lot of miracles in my life Baba. Thank You for everything Baba. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Om Sairam.

Sai – Our Saviour

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am a Sai devotee from Australia. Sairam. I have been a Sai devotee for close to 9 years now. I have experienced numerous miracles of Sai in my life. I cannot imagine my life without Sai.

Thank you for maintaining this blog that instils faith in our Sai. Reading this blog has given me mental peace in times of distress.

Coming to my recent experience, my son was struggling to sleep for a very long time one night. He became really stressed after midnight since he couldn’t sleep. Then around 2.30 am I took Baba’s Udi and kept it on his forehead and sat near him. In just 10 minutes he was sound asleep. This might seem like a small thing but Baba comes to our help in times of need however small or big the problem is. Baba, please bless us and keep us safe. Om Sairam.

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Articles: 249


  1. Om Sai Ram, Saima! Thank you for saving me from many difficult situations. With your blessing only those customers who wanted to make complaints or who i thought would complain about me did not complain. Thank you for not putting me down. Saima you know everything thing what is going on in my mind and level of stress we are going through. I believe that all the issues will be solved with your blessing alone. Thank you for the positive signs in Q & A. Baba let the things click so that i can share in the blog and encourage other devotees.

  2. Om Sai Ram…. baba please bless my husband and children. Please give them good health, knowledge, happiness and prosperity. My husband nad me always have a difference in opinion, help me stay composed baba and accept his words and actions. I dont want disagreements between us. He gets angry at small things or maybe I dont understand his thinking due to my maturity. My son has reach ed univ but he is not comfortable as the room has many spiders Baba… please protect him and give him some support to resolve his problems baba. Please protect him always baba. My younger son has also started picking on me Baba and I hope i end up being a good wife and mother to my dear ones. Please protect and bless both my children baba. Baba,, i hope you guide me at work and make the day fruitful with desired results. Tomorrow I would like to do the varamahalaxmi vrat in a very small way – without your grace and blessings it cannot be complete. Pls give me strength, energy and remove all laziness in me baba. Please baba come home and bless us all. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  3. Last thursday i completed my nav guruvar varta, sorry for the late post baba.

    How to Perform Shirdi Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat:
    1. Any man child or woman can do this vrat.
    2. Person from any caste or creed can do this vrat.
    3. If the rules of this vrat are strictly followed for 9 Thursdays, then the observer of this vrat could reap the benefits of this vrat in no time.
    4. This vrat should be observed with complete devotion towards Sai Baba for its fulfillment and can be started from any Thursday.
    5. For observing this vrat, Sai Baba’s name should be worshipped in the evening or morning. A photograph of this revered saint should be cleaned and a tilak of kumkum or sandalwood should be applied to it. Lamp and incense sticks should be lit, yellow coloured flower garlands should be offered and the story of vrat should be read out. Sai Baba’sname should be chanted and Prasad comprising of fruits and sweets should be distributed.
    6. This vrat can be observed by having lunch or dinner, consuming tea, milk, sweets or only fruits but it is to remember that this vrat should not be observed on an empty stomach. Something should be consumed before observing it.
    7. This vrat can be done at home too if it is not possible to visit the temple.This vrat should not be done half heartedly. It should be observed with complete devotion.
    8. This vrat can be observedeven if the devotee is not present in his or her residence and is out of town.
    9. This vrat cannot be done by a menstruating women and so if a Thursday is missed for some reason for doing this vrat, then that Thursday should be excluded from the total count of 9 Thursdays and the following Thursday should be counted for the vrat and there after the concluding ceremony should be performed.
    Procedure for Concluding Ceremony:
    1.On the concluding Thursday of the vrat, five poor people should be fed.
    2. To augment the importance of this vrat and Sai Baba, 5,11 and 21 Sai Baba Vrat books should be distributed among friends and family members. This is how the vrat is concluded.
    3. In the concluding ceremony, the Sai Baba vrat books are distributed and the blessings of Sai Baba are sought.
    4. On the 9thor last Thursday, the books to be given to friends or family members should be blessed during the pooja by the great saint before they are distributed. The devotees of Sai Baba strongly believe that this vrat is very rewardingif it is strictly followed observing all the rules as stated above and concluded in the right way. Then Sai Baba fulfils all the desires of the devotees.
    Thus, Sai Nav Guruwar (Nine Thursdays) Vrat is a very simple procedure and can be followed by anyone but should be done with sincerity and devotion to please Sai Baba.

  4. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  5. Baba I am in a very confused state of mind. You know the reason. Please Baba bless my family and keep us always within your vision. Though my inner feelings says my appa will never let me down my weak mind frightens me a lot. Baba keep us calm.

  6. Baba I am in a very confused state of mind. You know the reason. Please Baba bless my family and keep us always within your vision. Though my inner feelings says my appa will never let me down my weak mind frightens me a lot. Baba keep us calm.

  7. Omsairam..thankyou for whatever you have blessed us with…love you Baba ..bless me with faith anď patience .

  8. OmSaiRam, OmSaiRakshaksharanam. Baba protect all from corona. Help in solving the issue between two families. Keeping everything at your lotus feet. Waiting for your miracle. You are the saviour. OMAROGYAKSHEMADAYA NAMA..

  9. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please protect my father sai ma hold my father sai protect him baba reduce his blood glucose levels baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  10. Omsairam, Dear first devotee prayers for you.
    Prayers for all other devotees inluding me who are in need. Omsairam..
    Omsai rakshak sharanam .. _||_ _||_ _||_

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