Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am a very small devotee of Baba and He has always been there for me in all walks of my life.
We visit ISKCON temple and donate as and when possible. We recently donated an amount without any particular mention about the date or type of daana (for Annadanam/temple renovation/Vidya danam). We had donated the amount 1 month back and we totally forgot about it. Here comes the first miracle of my Sai Baba and Muddu Krishna.
I am enrolled in a group message of ISKCON and during a recent message, they announced the auspicious day of Narasimha Deva Chaturdasi. In addition, unexpectedly, we came to know that we were chosen for the Alankar and Chandana donation for Lord on this auspicious day. My eyes were filled with tears for God’s wonderful blessings and choosing our donation for such a beautiful occasion. On the auspicious day of Narasimha Deva Chaturdasi, I was able to visit the temple and see the beautiful Alankar. I was dumbfounded by the creativity of the ISKCON bhaktas in decorating the Lord so mesmerizingly. I was choked, and tears filled in my eyes. All forms of bhakti arose in me on seeing the Lord beautifully decorated and His blessings on us for accepting our humble donation and decorating Himself so beautifully.
I remember from Sai Satcharitra that Sai endorses certain work to certain devotees. Some were assigned the duty of cleaning, some for building and some for cooking. I was happy to know that my Sai chose me and my husband for alankaram today. Even though we did not perform alankaram ourselves, He utilized our donation and got Himself decorated so beautifully that I was not able to take my eyes off. Further to increase more bhakti in me, Sai Baba and Lord Krishna decided to talk to me in the form of the main priest. I was in the mandir looking at my Lord beautifully decorated and this is when unexpectedly the main priest asked me about how I felt regarding the decoration. He further asked if I was happy with this decoration. I was so happy with my Deva’s miracles and blessings that I choked and answered in small sentences that I was very happy with the decoration of my Lord. Pooja was performed very nicely, and I was able to witness the whole pooja and make myself dhanya.
Second miracle of my Lord came in the form during pooja performance. Due to recent health problems, I was unable to stand for a long time. So, I decided to sit. Narasimha Deva’s abhishekam was going on and everyone was standing in a queue that was very long. I decided to join the line late and take a rest on my chair while chanting the Lord’s name. But My Sai Krishna had some other plan. Again, He came in the form of the main priest and took me personally directly for Abhishekam without standing in any line. I was feeling fully blessed for His karuna (mercy) and blessings but was also feeling guilty to be the person to not stand in line when all others were waiting for their turn. I left to my Deva as He knows what is good and what is bad. I accepted His blessings and performed abhishekam with honey on Lord Narasimha with eyes filled with tears for my Deva’s blessings.
The third miracle of my Deva came in the form of prasadam after the abhishekam. I am a person who always likes to have Tulsi whether in the form of teertha or food prasadam. He knows what I want. After the abhishekam, the priest blessed me with honey and whole Tulasi. I was again mesmerized by my Devas knowing me so well and blessing me always and installing bhakti in me.
The fourth miracle of my Deva came in the form of witnessing the pooja via zoom. My mom is in India and my husband was six hours from me. It was a weekday and it was not possible for my husband to be in the temple for pooja. But Deva had some other plans. Temple sent a zoom link and my husband was able to witness the pooja via online. Similarly, even though it was early morning in India, due to the wish of mom also to see this pooja and receive blessings, Deva made sure to wake my mom at the same time of abhishekam. She texted me how I was doing. I was happy and sent her the link immediately. She witnessed the entire abhishekam and aarti and was so happy to see such beautiful decorations. My Deva fulfilled my wish that my maa and my husband should also witness the pooja and receive blessings. I have no words to describe my Deva’s miracles and the modes that He makes it happen.
The fifth miracle of my Deva was during flower prasadam. After the main aarti, everyone was approaching the front line to receive flower prasadam. Some of them received only flowers, some mangoes or other fruits and some others, both. I wished to have mangoes remembering Amra leela from Sai Satcharitra. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for many years and recently I had a miscarriage. Somehow, I had this thought in my mind that if I receive mango as mentioned in Sai Satcharitra, then I may conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. So, I became anxious to have them since mangoes were getting over from the altar. I went ahead ASAP to get the mango. See the miracle of Deva here. Even though others, who were along with me in the same line, received both, I was granted only flowers without any fruits. I felt a little disappointed but then thought in my mind that Deva wished me to give only flowers and Tulasi dala as He thinks that is good for me. I forgot about it and continued Nama smaram. Now the miracle of Deva is that one of the ladies who received mango called me from behind and gave me the mango stating that this was mine and I should have it. Despite telling Mataji that she received it, and she should have it, she insisted on having it and gave it to me. I don’t know who this Mataji was, I was not expecting this miracle, but Deva made this happen. Since I did not believe in Him and wanted to get myself the mango, Deva did not give me that time and tested me. Afterwards, when I left everything to Him to decide, He poured on me His immense blessing through an unknown Mataji.
The sixth miracle of my Deva was during food prasadam. Since I was the only one who visited the temple, I took prasadam for myself. One of the Mataji who always gives us prasadam, enquired about my husband. When I told her that due to work he was unable to come (since it was a weekday and my husband was six hours drive from my place), Deva in the form of her wanted to also give something for my husband. My husband was planning to come on the weekend which was four days from the current day. Most of the foods are not consumable for such a long time. But Deva made sure to send me some prasad for him too. Among the prasadam, there were temple made chips and rasagulla. So, he in the form of Maataji, packed them a box full and gave it to me. The other thing is that I like these temple chips so much but I always received only a small amount. So, in this way, my Deva not only made sure that my husband enjoyed prasadam too but took care of my cravings to have more chips (a box full).
The seventh miracle of my dear Deva was in the form of the same Mataji who provided prasadam to my husband. She is well known to us and takes care of us all the time like my sister. I had not been able to visit temple and see her for a long time due to my health issues and recent miscarriage. She asked me how I was doing. I could not control myself and informed her about what I suffered recently. My Deva listened to all my pains in the form of her patiently and gave me mental peace which I was not able to find all these days. After sharing my recent tough days, Deva made sure that I felt light and calm and forgot the incident as much as possible. He also made sure that I consume prasadam there itself and then leave, and here comes my Deva’s eight miracle.
Seats were unavailable, and I decided to stand and consume prasadam, which was difficult considering my recent health. My Deva came in the form of the same Mataji with whom I shared my sufferings. Not only did he make sure that I had a seat but also brought me sweet, water and took care of me like my mother. I was filled with tears again and thanked my Deva from the bottom of my heart. I requested Him to shower His blessings like this always on me and give me the strength to overcome these tough times. I had no words to thank my Deva and all His immense blessings. He is so kind. He appeared in the form of a priest, my friend, and my mother and blessed me so much in just a matter of a few hours and assured me to have mental peace.
Oh Deva, how can I thank You for everything? Please bless me always like this and never leave my hand. I am sorry Deva for writing this so late but thank You Deva for finally helping me to share these miracles so that those souls who have suffered like me can enjoy Your miracles. On Deva, please bless the whole world and remove all the sufferings and the pandemic. Thank You oh my lovely Deva. Om Sri Satchidananda Sainath Maharaj ki jai.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Seema from India says: Hello everyone I am Seema Hemant Kulkarni from Pune. I would like to share my experience. Thank you Hetalji for this wonderful platform where we can share our experiences with our loving Sai.
I have done Narmada parikrama for the fourth time by the blessing of my Guru Shree Gajanan Maharaj and Sainath Maharaj. All the ashrams in Narmada Parikrama route were good. At the start of the day whenever I saw Baba’s photo, on that day we used to get good ashram, good food and good stay.
The route of Narmada Parikrama is 3500 kms by the banks of Narmada river or by small paths connected to highways. On each and every day me and my husband, both 60 Years+ age, used to walk 20 kms. Whenever we used to get exhausted by walking, we used to pray and by the blessings of Sai Baba we used to get means of transport by two wheelers or four wheelers. People used to drop us to our destination.
I have a habit of taking baths with warm water. By the grace of Sai Baba in each and every parikrama I got warm water to bathe.
My husband is diabetic and had got an injury on his toe, and I was tense about how he could walk and complete his parikrama as he is diabetic, injuries are fatal which could lead to amputation of leg. But due to the grace of Sai Baba his injury was healed within a month’s time as he being in the parikrama used to walk in water for crossing small ponds between the routes.
One more experience is while going from Badi (Taluka place in Madhya Pradesh) to Brahmandghat it is a journey of two and a half hours. Our money got exhausted and by the grace of Sai Baba we received money without asking anyone.
One more experience is the mandir Omkareshwar where the parikrama ends, was going to be locked due to Covid 19. By Sai Baba’s grace we completed the parikarama before lockdown and we returned to Pune safely.
We had a pooja of Chaitra Gaur in that month, we called a married lady to have food. That morning, the lady called and said that she could make it, so I prayed to Sai Baba to send a person for Prasad. Miraculously a married lady from our area came instantly.
Sorry for the delayed post. May Sai Baba have His grace on all of His children. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am a very tiny devotee of Our Sai Baba. I live in Odisha. My life is His blessing.
I have shared many experiences on this holy platform. Some experiences have been published and some are yet to be published. Many, many thanks to Baba for this Who is doing this service through the blessed people of the team. First of all I am really very sorry Baba for the delay in posting this experience. Please forgive me and give me courage to pen down Your miracle.
Always Baba has a perfect time. He knows, what to do, when to do and how to do; like He is driving my life in such a way that, it is just beyond my imagination. Baba came into my life in 2012 and He then never left me. He has always shown me the right way. But when Baba entered my life, a miracle started happening. Words become shorter to express my gratitude for Him. In each struggle of my life, He always showed His presence. He tried to remove all negative thoughts from my mind. Without Baba, I will be lifeless. It is hard for me to imagine my life without Him. Now a days, I have become so dependent on Baba.
Recently I ordered threethings from an online site. All were cash on delivery payment. Normally I don’t do online shopping but now I started to go online shopping. So when my first order arrived, I received the product but while doing the online payment, it failed. I had cash also but I thought online payment would be better. The money got deducted from my account but the delivery boy did not receive the payment. But that guy understood my issue and went without taking money and gave me his number telling me for the confirmation for the successful payment transaction. The confirmation message I was supposed to get in two days which would be late for him. If in two days he didn’t receive his money, it would return to my account and I could do a transaction after getting my money. I was feeling guilty and praying to Baba for the transaction confirmation as soon as possible. In between that I got a message from him also for the further transaction. But I requested him to wait for some more time and he did so also. Exactly, after two days I received the confirmation message and sent it to him. Finally the problem was over with Baba’s blessings.
I know this is not a huge miracle but just wanted to share it on this platform. Thank You very much Baba. Please keep Your blessings like this on all Your devotees and save this world from deadly corona virus. Hetalji please correct me if anything is wrong and sorry devotees who are reading this for my poor English. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you everyone who are managing this website. Please keep my identity confidential. I would like to share my experience.
In 2019, my son got a PR status in Australia. And at the same time he was also able to get a job there while living in his hometown. Arrangement had been made for his departure. One week before his departure, the employment contract which was received was cancelled. He was in a fix as all the arrangements had been made. He still went ahead to fly to Australia. He applied for jobs there but was unsuccessful. Even before he applied for a job in Australia, he got an offer in Japan and also in Australia but at the last minute, just before signing on the dotted line, it would be unsuccessful. My son was very depressed. He was in Australia for 1 year unemployed. Again job offers came but due to Covid it was put on hold. The employers asked him to wait. He was very depressed as he felt worthless. I always tell him that Baba has something better for him. True enough, after waiting for more than a year; he got the best offer with good benefits, working environment and better wages. Sai knows what and when to give. Thank You Sai.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Princy Singh from India says: Hello I am Princy from Delhi and want to share a small experience of Shri Sai Baba.
I was praying to Baba regularly reading Sai Satcharitra with full devotion but due to stress from my family I was not able to sleep. So I prayed to Baba to please help in getting good sleep. It’s not for the first time as with Baba’s grace I am able to sleep quite well. It shows how Sai Baba stays so near to all His devotees and listens to the smallest prayer we made. Thank You Sai Baba please always stay with me. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Om Sairam to all Baba devotees. Thank you to the team maintaining this blog. It gives us a lot of energy.
I want to sincerely thank Sai Baba for His help the other day. I was in a difficult situation and I prayed that I would share my experience if it was all settled. Yes, our Baba helped me. Words are not enough to thank Baba. He is always with us. Thank You Baba.
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I promised Baba that i would post my experience here if there is no side effects or illness after taking second dose of vaccine. .By Baba's grace he is not having any problems even after taking his 2nd dose..thank you so much deva..sorry for posting this late..Om Sai rakshak saranam
OM SAIRAM,BABA thanks so much for taking us to the LAKSHMI POOJA to day. Also you made me ti do the aarti,i felt very blessed thank you our SAI appa,BABA please cure my husbands leg problem as you know i am going through lots of stress & am unable to cope with all the problems on my own.Kindly please help us &cure him,We have noone to help except you BABA,OM SAIRAKSHAKSARANAM DEVA.
OM Sai Ram, SaiMa I leave everything at you feet. I know what ever you do will be best for me. Thank you for everything till now. Om sai ram, om sai ram om sai ram. I love you SaiMa
Om sai Ram…. baba please bless my husband and children. Please give them good health, happiness, peace of mind and prosperty always. Baba my husband has some cold, due to these times I am worried, please cure him Baba and always give him good health. Thank you Baba for resolving the differences in the family. Baba my younger child has become stubborn all of a sudden. I dont know what plans you have for him but please place him in a place where you could be with him and always protect him. Baba, please protect my elder son too. Give him good health and guide him in his endevors to complete his education and get a good job. Baba please protect everyone. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam deva🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Shree Sai Nathaya Namaha🙏🙏🙏