Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Devotee from India says: This is my 4th experience here in this blog. Before proceeding further, i request all the Sai devotees to pray for me. One of my photographer friend has clicked few picks of mine which are very sensuous. I was shocked to see as I had not posed in that manner. I had asked him to delete but he said its safe with him, however I did not get any good vibes. My heart is pounding very fast. I request all my Baba devotees to collectively pray for me and save my picture from being missed used. Baba please, do some Miracle and delete those pictures from that camera. Now i have surrendered to You and promise You that i will never try to land up myself in this kind of situation. Love You Baba. Om Sai Ram.
My this experience was pending since long time. Please Baba forgive me for posting this experience after such a long time. Thank you so much Hetal ji for giving us this opportunity to share our experience with other devotees. Like all Baba’s devotee, I have also gone through the best and the worst phase of my life. When I was going through the worst career phase, I had promised Baba that I will post my experience once it get sorted, however due to the daily work I kept on postponing it. My career was not going good even after having good qualification and degree. I was not happy with my job profile and salary. The worst was when I was jobless, used to pray to Baba for my dream job with full faith and devotion, however even after long wait the job which I was offered was again not my dream job, but ok for my expenses and for a job in hand status. I started feeling this is what I deserve and became hopeless and de-motivated. I was so frustrated because the employers were also not good and I could not quit as I would be again jobless and to survive without job in a metro city is just next to impossible. Whenever I used to try for good company and brand I was always disappointed because most of the company used to take reference and the position used to be full before I apply for, I lost all hope. However my Baba had some different plan for me. I was trying for almost 3 years and whenever I read devotees experience about the Saburi and how Baba can make impossible to possible I would feel hopeful and would cry loud in hope that Baba listen to my prayer may be this time, how much Saburi should I have. It had almost reached to the saturation that felt so shattered and I started losing confidence.
However Baba had already planned something for me, one day I was busy somewhere I got a call from a very good MNC and a good brand too for my job opening of my profile without even applying I was literally thrilled to get a call. I went for an interview the next day and everything went on very smooth and I was very confident that I’ll get this job and by the Grace of Baba, I got that job which was like a dream come true to me. Then I realized what Baba had been planning for me all this while, my faith in Baba increased 100 times and I joined that company, the job is difficult for me to handle still Baba would always help me overcome any obstacle if I face in my job. My confidence has boosted up and I had promised Baba that I will post this experience on this site for other devotees to read and realize that Baba always have things plan for our better, so if sometime you think things are not going right or Baba is not listening to your prayer always remember that something better is in store and have faith and patience. Now I am worried about my marriage as I am not getting any good match for my marriage. I am already 30 years old and 30 years old women is a over age in our community. I am really waiting and praying Baba day and night to send a good match for me. Please Baba listen to my prayer like always and send my life partner to me. If he is Your devotee life would be even more beautiful. Love You Baba. Thank You so much for choosing me as your devotee, only the privileged get this opportunity and I am privileged.

Sai Brother Mithun from India says: Dear Hetal Ji, Thank you for the link and may Baba bless you and all who are involved in such a great Noble work. I am from Bangalore settled here. I am a devotee of Sai from 5 years. He is my Greatest Guru, Who leads me when i am stuck all the times. I am blessed to be one of His devotees and i would say, the greatest ever gift that i have received this birth would be my Sai Ma. Day by day, miracles keep on coming and i would like to share couple of experiences.
Experience 1: Sai guided me booking my tickets to and fro for Shirdi trip. As per Sai Satcharitra, Sai always mention that once the trip is planned, i will make sure that someone is there to receive you. Each and every moment from that trip, my family felt Sai’s presence. There was Swine Flu threat all over India. Still we know that we are going to Shirdi and nothing such bad will happen. Exactly what is mentioned in Satcharitra, No such bad incidents happened in Shirdi and nothing is going to happen in future too. That’s the assurance and confidence i have in my Sai Ma. We had a good Aarti Session, following day Thursday, we had a great Darshan. Sai arranged us the return ticket which was in waiting list.
Experience 2: I was on a Vrat on Ramanavami day chanting Baba’s Name in my mind. After lighting the Diya, i took Sai Satcharitra and read the Parayanam. Suddenly, one thought entered into my mind. I should read one of the chapters of Ramanavami. Is it possible? Moment i flipped the pages and started reading the Holy Book, exactly the chapter described on Ramanavami came in front of my eyes. I was unable to express my feelings that moment. Tears started rolling and i have started reading the wonderful lines related to Urusu and Ramanavami. Thank You Baba for such a great exposure and assurance that You have shown me. Please be with us always. Please help poor and needy who are always stuck in terms of money and sickness. Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from Malaysia says: Hello, I am from Malaysia and I have been a devotee of Sai Baba since last year. It all happened when one day my aunty brought a Picture of Baba given to her by one of her friend. In the beginning, I just prayed, put a flower and leave for work but somehow around the corner, i felt that there is a connection between me and Him and i feel so ease and peace whenever i pray to Him. Thus i decided to set a small altar in my room and started praying to Him regularly. Baba is everything to me and I thank Him for always guiding and protecting me always. I am here to share 2 of my experiences in which Baba has helped me.
Experience 1: One night, i was coming home and my aunty closed the gate and the latch just won’t open. I tried it so hard and almost hurt my left finger and it was so painful. I had bruises and I was worried if i had any blood clot since my finger looks like blue and black. I applied Baba’s Udi and prayed to Him. The next day, to my surprise my pain and bruises had disappeared. I was so thankful to Him.
Experience 2: In last few days, i was having backache and nothing seem to help. The healing plaster and the balm was not working and thus again I went to my altar and told Baba that i need His Udi to cure my back. I applied the Udi and the pain went down a bit. Again Baba helped me to cure. I believe Baba is always there watching all of us even if we are 7 seas away. It is matter of trust, faith and patience. I am sure He listens to us and will always be there for us. Thank You Baba for everything and forgive me if i have done any mistakes directly or indirectly. All i need always is Your blessing. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am daughter of Baba. I am a classical singer. I am in lot of financial problem. I was very stressed and used to go to Baba’s Temple every day. I started 9 day Baba’s Vrat. On 2nd week, i got an offer for a job in school. I prayed to Baba that i should get this opportunity to solve all my problems. I was selected in first round. They said that they will call me soon for next round. I was very nervous. In Baba’s question and answer site, He said “You will get good news, Believe in Me”. After 4 days, i got a call for the 2nd interview. Before i left for interview, i prayed to Baba and did Namasakar. He put a flower on my head as blessing. I was very confident and went happily saying Baba’s Name. They were very happy and said they would call me the next day. I was very confident that i will get this job. But there was no call from them for next 3 days. Then i received a call saying that they were sorry as i was not selected. I was totally broken. Why Sai, i could not understand. Baba put a flower also on my head. I cried to Baba. Baba, You know my problems, You know what’s best for me. I somehow consoled myself. Yesterday, i was disturbed and went to Baba’s Temple. I saw Aarti and when i came home, i had 5 missed calls on my phone. It was school principal saying that i was selected. I was completely in tears. It is a Miracle by Baba. Baba knows what He should give, how and when. Baba my Pranams to You. You showed me way. Love You always. Always be with me. I am always at Your Feet. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: First of all, I would like to thank Hetal Ji for giving us such a great platform to share and read fellow Baba devotee’s experiences. I am a simple devotee of Baba living in USA. I have been a devotee of Baba since my childhood and Baba has been there for me through every stage of my life. I would like to share with you all my most recent Leela of Baba. I have been married for 4 years and with Baba’s Grace, I am blessed with a wonderful husband. I had problems conceiving due to my hormonal issues. It was during that period my faith in Baba increased and I started doing Sai Satcharitra Parayan. One day, I came across this page where I read a lot of devotee’s experiences about Nav Guruvar Vrat and its Miracles. That motivated me to start doing the Vrat. I felt like it was Baba’s way of telling me that we were on the right path and it worked for me. Just a few days after completing the Vrat, I found out that I was pregnant. Words can’t describe how grateful I am to Baba. As always Baba has shown that when a person prays to Him whole heartedly and invokes His aid, Baba helps us by fulfilling our wishes and blessing us. Thank You Baba for everything and I request everyone to surrender completely to His Holy Feet and always remember Him and chant His Name. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am devotee of Baba for the past 6 years. He is Everything in my life. Wherever I go, He is with me always. I can feel Him everywhere. I can sense Him whatever happens, He is with me. I have a pug named Damon. Recent days, he was not feeling well. He was very weak and did not show any interest to eat anything. One day his health became very worse, so i took him to hospital. Doctor gave him Tablet and injection as he had fever. After recovering from fever, we took him again to hospital. Doctor took blood test and the results came next day morning and doctor told that urea levels are very low, so we have to do dialysis. I prayed to Baba that nothing should happen as such and please do some Miracle. The next day Damon started eating well and I called doctor and told the same. He told it is a Miracle. Now he is doing fine and we have to take blood test again after a week. I am sure Baba will cure him. For our surprise, Baba’s Photo was in hospital. This is an example of Baba that He is with us forever. Thank You Baba. We Love You.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Please protect devotee 1 from the bad situation she is currently in.
om sai ram
Om sai ram Om sai ram Om.
Wonderful experiences and I am sure Our Benevolent Lord Sai has rescued the 1st devotee 🙂
O Sadguru, I am fortunate to have found refuge at Your Feet who can work miracles. Thank You 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sadguru sai samarth
Sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai….shower your blessings on us baba…..we are nothing without you baba..please fulfill our wish deva….please call us shirdi maa…
Sai SAi Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai sai
om sai ram. Thanks u first devotee for posting ur experience as I am in the same boat. I too iss facing all the same situation which You had faced. So now I completely surrender to baba.
REgarding your marriage you no need to worry. I too faced the same and I married at the age of 33 and my son born when I was 36 without any complications. My doctor was surprised. Many times she asked what is your age. During my pregnency I was completely surrended to our baba. 3 days after my c-section i climed 3 floors as our flat was in 3rd floor. So dont worry dear.
Dear devotees ,
Please help me understand this … yesterday i asked a question on QnA site where i got answer saything that "read ramvijya manas for 14 days .something different will happen from your hand.. do not concentrate on good or bad times…" please all help me understand this .. in SAI SATCHARITRA baba ordered a reculse to read ramvijaya when he forseen his death… I wonder what this answer means.. @-) too got the same answer in q &a.. but i was so happy when i saw that relating to satsaritra. But pls devotees let us know why he said like that.if im going in the last phase of my life im so happy.
perhaps u r abt to change some1s fate 🙂
..u r abt to safe sm1s life…just think in that way..
It could be the death of your ego or the death of your bad times. It could also mean your victory over your bad habits or health. Om Sai Ram.
Jai bolo sadguru sainath maharaj ki….jaiiii (h)
Bless all Sai Baba 🙂
Sai…sai…sai…sai..sai…sai…sai…sai…sai.. 🙂
Allah Malik
Om sai ram, om sai ram , om sai ram
Om sai ram , om sai ram, om sai ram
Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Mere Malik teri jai jai kar ho….kaise iss gareeb aatma se tera shukr manau..
Dear devotees..whosoever is there feeling Baba's help and waiting for his rehmat..please have pateince and faith..he is listening to us all..i want to share here that i am undergoing a divorce process and just now a wish of mine is fullfilled just the way i wanted..all our baba's miracle..nothing else..just his miracle..i just want to tell my all dear sai baba bhakt please never loose hope baba sabki sunte hain..sahi samay ka intezaar karo aur dil se prarthana..jai jai sai bapppa
I don't whats wrong with shankaracharya ji he made walpaper of baba i don't why he is doing this baba is our mother father everything how can we bear it
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rjadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Shri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sarvam Shri Sainatharpanamasthu.
Baba please my dad should reach safe and sound
Bless my family
Bless my neigh
On Sai Ram
OM Sai ram
OM Sai ram
OM Sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Jai Sai Ram, Jai Jai Sai Ram
BABAji! Please forgive our sins and bless us with Your divya darshan. Thank You for everything You gave us.
Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Please have mercy Ma i am crying out in pain for u please end this agony please