Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Sriniwas Mahapatro from India says: Greetings to all Sai Baba devotees. In my life, there have been several instances where Sai Baba has saved me from troubles. I should admit that I have faltered in my faith towards Him, especially when I was doing good, but whenever I was in trouble, and seeked His help, He had bailed me out. Here I want to share how He helped me and my wife with a lovely baby.
Me and my wife got married in January 2013, against all odds, thanks to Shirdi Sai Baba. My parents and in-laws were not supportive for our marriage, but we could still go ahead and marry in Bangalore (a place away from our hometowns) without much issues, and even my parents and in-laws showed up to bless us. After 2 years of marriage, we shifted to Mumbai in January 2015. Both of us were working and were busy with our lives. It would be unfair to say that we had a very peaceful life because we had our share of quarrels. But still we both loved and cared for each other a lot and I am thankful to Sai Baba for providing me with such a life partner and soul mate. Since marriage, we both always had disagreement about when to have a baby. Although we both were interested in having the baby in 2015 itself, but due to office commitments, we kind of postponed our plans. In Mumbai, we used to live near our offices and settled comfortably in a few months. In August we had an argument about when to have a baby. I was interested in having the baby sooner, but my wife wanted to change her job to a distant place in Mumbai, and wanted to delay the baby. We had a lot of arguments and it was very disturbing. Then we stopped discussing about this matter.
My wife changed her job to a distant place in Mumbai in November in 2015. We both were again busy with our lives. In May 2016, again the family planning topic cropped up. This time my wife was interested, but out of arrogance and anger, I said I was not interested. I could see that my wife was hurt. In June we had planned a Shirdi visit. There I could see that my wife was very depressed and praying to Sai Baba for a baby. That night at Shirdi she was in tears and I consoled her, saying that we will plan for a kid after going back to Mumbai, and not to worry. She was having this feeling that she was missing a baby in her arms, which should have been her priority, and which we always dreamed of, before our marriage. Ofcourse, earnest prayers to Baba, never go unanswered. The next day in Shirdi, I too prayed to Baba, for blessing us with a baby, and to remove all our personal egos towards each other (my wife and me). Then we started to prepare to return to Mumbai. We had driven there in our car. In order to share our ride costs, I had booked some travel partner (an unknown guy) over ‘blah blah car’ (a ride sharing app). While returning from Shirdi, I asked for his location and went to pick him up. To our surprise, we saw that the guy and his wife were travelling with a 3 month old baby to Mumbai. On our way we stopped for a quick meal on a roadside dhaba. There they offered us to hold their 3 month old son, and I could see how happy my wife was to hold a baby in her arms.
We reached Mumbai, and were busy with office in that week. And we had decided to go to a doctor for consulting for her, for knowing the right time and necessary details for having a baby. That week on Monday, my wife fell a little sick. And on Friday, she said that she may have missed her periods. We bought a pregnancy kit from the nearby pharmacy store at night, and she went to the bathroom to test it. To our surprise, the test showed that she was pregnant. Our joy knew no bounds. On the weekend, we visited a doctor and she confirmed that my wife was pregnant. We both prayed to Baba and thanked Him. Baba always hears your prayers, and He never fails to answer them. Subsequently we had a hassle free pregnancy, and our son arrived on 22nd March 2017. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello Everyone. This is my 5th or 6th post here and I really feel blessed to share it with the Baba’s Family. Thank you Hetal ji and the entire Team who are spreading Baba’s Love through their efforts. Please keep me anonymous.
So the first experience is regarding my document. I had filled up an online form for the competitive exam and had saved the copy of submitted application. Few days later I wanted to check some information of exam but I couldn’t find the saved copy. I searched every folder and still could not locate the copy. I got tensed because that application was important for Admit Card download. Due to my laziness it was lost. Then I prayed to my Babaji, asked for forgiveness and promised to share the experience for the same and found the copy in the folder which I had searched before.
Another experience I want to share is how Babaji destroyed my ego and taught me a lesson. I was trying to qualify GATE, and I had failed in my last two attempts with just few marks difference. I registered for it again this year. Meanwhile I also filled for the exam which I have mentioned above. I was more concentrated for the other exam rather than GATE. I started preparing for GATE when only 4 months were left for it. I prayed Babaji endlessly to let me qualify it this time. This time I covered the toughest subject with thorough study. I became overconfident with preparation and thought that Baba will definitely pass me, like He helped Mrs. Tendulkar’s son and Mr. Shevde in their Exams. I sat for exam and the results came out. This time also I didn’t qualify and also I lost with a great marks difference. My other friends got qualified. I was really upset with myself and Babaji. I was angry, why Babaji didn’t help me. I prayed but I didn’t talk to Babaji for 3 days.
I really don’t know how, but one day everything got clear to me or rather I would say Babaji made everything understandable. I realized why I wasn’t able to qualify exam. I realized that I was really overconfident in my approach, I didn’t study much and also not in a planned way, I never prayed Babaji for exam but it was like I was demanding Him for the same. My ego was making me believe that I’ll pass even if I don’t study. I was taking Baba’s love for granted. I totally forgot that Babaji has to see whether a person is deserving or not? Also I totally lacked “Shraddha and Saburi”. I then realized how foolish I was, I apologized Babaji sincerely for my selfishness and ego. Likewise Babaji destroyed my ego as well as laziness.
I am yet to give my other exam which I mentioned before. This exam is really important for me because it will give my career a direction, and I have prepared for this exam instead of GATE for the whole year. I really don’t know what will happen in this exam. After GATE results I have totally lost my confidence, positivity and zeal to do anything. Nothing makes me happy anymore, there is no progress in my career and I have lost my mental peace. Since that day I have stopped praying Babaji regarding exams or anything. I only ask Babaji to be with me always. I have left everything to Babaji, I don’t know whether I’ll qualify this exam or not. I am still lacking in “Shraddha and Saburi” and trying my best to follow Baba’s path. Baba made me realise my mistakes and hence I wanted to share this experience of mine. May Babaji bless everyone with health and happiness. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Hi, I am Sai devotee from India living in US. I have been following this blog since couple of years now. I have experienced many miracles of Sai Baba in my life. I promised myself that I will post my experience after the birth of my first child and never got time to do it. He turned 3 years few months back and I have 16 months baby as well. Both my kids are the biggest miracles of Sainath.
Coming to story of my life about Sadguru, Sai Baba came to my life when I was 14 years old. One of our family friends gifted us Lord Sai Baba’s photo along with Prasad after they returned from Shirdi Trip. The frame had few lines for Baba’s sayings. Whenever I felt anxious about anything, I used to read those lines on the photo frame and get some positive strength. I am a very spiritual person from very young age, but for some reason at certain age I started avoiding social gatherings. This included visiting temple which was very close to our house. One of my school friends used to visit Sai Baba temple every Thursday which was 30 minutes from our house. For some reason, I developed an urge to visit Sai Baba’s temple every week like them but it was not possible at that time because my dad used to work based on shift system and my mom used to run tuition classes in the evenings, so there was no way that I could go to Sai Baba’s Mandir every week. But I used pray that at least on some special days we should go to the temple. We finally went to the temple and it were truly the best moments in my life to stand in front of the Lord and touch His holy feet.
Coming to my first miracle of Sai Baba’s blessings (this experience is from 2000 ): After my 10th Class board exam while waiting eagerly for my exam results; one day I was so bored that I opened the phone directory and started dialling some random numbers as blank caller. In one such call, though I was not talking, the other person on the call heard the background voice of my sibling and guessed that it was me. I was shocked to death and panicked that what if they complaint to my parents about it and it would be big shame to them. I went to Sai Baba for rescue. When I was having Baba’s darshan, I continuously prayed that I should not get into trouble and also to get good score in my 10th exams. I tried to remain calm and at peace after my darshan and to my surprise, that person never complained about the blank call and I secured 84% in my CBSE 10th board and later on got free admission for my intermediate college. I was in happy tears and was on cloud 9 with this first miracle of Sai Baba in my life. This is the song that was played in the temple during my first visit to Sai temple, I request all readers to have firm faith and patience on Sainath and do good and be good to others in life. Shri Ananthkoti Bharmanda Nayaka Raajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am a small devotee of Sai from Australia.
Thank you Hetalji and the team for providing us with the platform to jot down our wonderful experiences with Baba. I have been Sai devotee since I was a teenager. My mother is a staunch devotee of Baba and I used to follow her to Baba’s temple whenever possible and got fully inclined to Baba. I am a doctor by profession. I moved to Australia from Nepal with my husband and a beautiful daughter. Australian Medical Council examination is one of the toughest exam in the world for a medical professional and without passing the exam no international doctor can work as a doctor in Australia. I was worried if I would be able to pass the exam or not. It is an expensive exam too. Keeping Baba in my heart and mind I studied for the exam and cleared both the parts of the exam.
We need to pass 12 stations out of 16 to pass the clinical exam. My exam was not as good as I expected it to be. I was sure I would fail in the exam. Being extremely depressed after the exam I went to the Sai temple and prayed to Baba to help me pass the exam because I knew Baba is my only Saviour in this situation. A week after the result was announced and I passed the exam clearing 12 stations. This was a pure miracle from Baba. After the exam I was looking for the job, getting a job was another big hurdle. Being an international doctor it’s extremely difficult to secure a position in hospital these days as there are production of many local doctors. There is an annual campaign for recruitment for doctors, I applied through it. People say it’s impossible to get through campaign, it’s for local doctors. But keeping faith in Baba I applied and with Baba’s blessing I was offered a position in the hospital which is at a walkable distance from my home. It’s a complete miracle! Now I have completed the registration process and started working. I feel Baba’s blessing each and every day.
Once my child got viral fever at night and next day I had long shift. I prayed to Baba as it looks like viral fever please help subside her fever so that I can go to work leaving her with Carer. Her fever slowly came down and she was absolutely playful in the morning with no signs of fever throughout the day. Just a simple prayer and He is there at the most difficult times of life. Baba makes sure the prayers are heard. Baba has plans for all of us and it will happen at the right time. All He wants is complete faith and devotion from His devotees. Bowing down to His lotus feet with devotion, love and faith I would like to conclude my story here. Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I’m a small Baba devotes and have been believing in Baba for atleast 1 year.
Hello, please keep my identity anonymous. This experience is about my sister. She is in medical field and going through a lot of stress in a lot of things. She is a very sincere and dedicated person. One of her staff gave her a pet bird. It is not easy to find a bird like that. My sister got so attached to it and took care of the bird just like her child. The bird helped my sister forget her stress now and then. Every evening, she used to play with her and sing to her. One day, as she was holding the bird near the window, the bird jumped and fell downstairs. Since she had some wings, she didn’t have a straight fall and managed to land. But since the woods around her house are heavy, my sister couldn’t find the bird. She went around asking people and knocking doors, but nothing happened. She was extremely upset. She was worried about the bird so much, since the bird was a pet one and could not even fly much. She couldn’t stop thinking about it. All her work stress, combined with losing the bird, was taking its toll on her. I was so upset that the one thing that got her to relax went away. I prayed to Baba to make my sister relax. A couple of days later, it so happened that someone we know found a baby bird and decided to give it to my sister. Even though it is not the same bird, and I am really concerned about the other bird, I was happy my sister could get some relaxation (sorry Baba I’m sounding selfish). 2 days later, another baby bird landed at my aunt’s house. And my aunt wants to give it to my sister. Thank You Baba for making my sister forget her stress. Please continue to bless all! Om Jai Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Praneetha Suresh from India says: I am a devotee of Sai Baba from 2006. Baba came into my life when I was in hostel during second year of college. I used to have severe throat infection and often I used to take heavy antibiotics. This incident happened on Friday early morning where I had severe throat infection and was unable to speak. That noon I had to travel to my home town. Suddenly I woke up at 4 o’clock and started crying to Baba regarding the pain in my throat. I don’t know why I said Sai Baba at that time. That was the first time I was taking His name. My friend next room was the devotee of Baba. But that time I used to just see His photo. But that morning was the first time I said Sai and prayed. Miracle happened. At around 7a.m my throat was completely normal. Never felt even a slight pain. Then on I have become the ardent devotee of Sai Baba.
I wish to tell the incident that happened last night. Now I am married and 7 months pregnant. Last night I was not feeling well and was unable to sleep. My husband played Sai naam japa in mobile. Within few minutes I was feeling completely normal and slept peacefully. Till last month my pregnancy was normal. Suddenly last week I got admitted in the hospital for the mild leakage of amniotic fluid from sac. I was broken and prayed to Baba. Doctor has asked me to take bed rest completely. Still I am on bed rest. I know Baba will take care of me and my child for sure and help me deliver the baby on my specified due date. He has taken care of me even in very small walks of my life. After last night incident I could make out that I’ll be cured soon. Jai Sairam.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Thank You O Sai for Your kind mercies.
Jai Sairam
dear second devotee.. Sai ram
I am also facing the same situation as you
only hope is Sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om sairam, sai ma please help and save my parents,,,,, please save them with good health.. .
My eyes are truly loosing their vision. Please cure me,please help me and my sister in studies…
Blessall with good health. sai ma
Omsairam…bless my father and brother for a goood health…for sometimes i felt jealous…iam extremely sorry baba…baba kindy cleanse me.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Baba mere ma baap ka rakshakijiye mere sai. Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba as i dont have any one other then you to look after, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help get a full time job baba, please give good health to my parents and kids baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.
Jai Sai Om Sai Ram 🙏 raksha karo please help us all