Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am living in Noida. Deva You are the only saviour of Your children. Deva, I am nothing without You. I am a very ignorant soul just surviving because of You. I am 100 % dependent on You for each and every smallest to biggest thing in this life. Deva never leave me, I will sink. I love You Deva. I am Your daughter, You sent me to this world and You have to show me the path to cross this ocean of jealousy, negative feelings, bad thoughts, rejection, untruthfulness and cheating. Hetalji and team, you all are blessed souls sent by Deva in this era to help all His children in crossing this ocean of life with positivity and Shraddha and Saburi. I just want to share some blessings of Deva out of infinite with the kind permission of my Baba.
Deva’s goa trip planning: In September after half yearly exams of our kids, they were insisting for a vacation to Goa. My husband checked but everything was very costly, air tickets, hotel etc. He tried for his official seat in resort but that was also full. My husband had air ticket voucher but after that also, the difference to be paid was quite high. We had one day Taj hotel voucher but when he talked to Taj hotel in Panji, they informed that they would not allow 5 people (me, my husband, my two kids and my mother) in one room, so we had to book two rooms. I just talked to Deva that I was not interested in spending so much money but I also want to take my mother with us. I was also not feeling any excitement for Goa trip that time, so in my heart I felt that Deva will plan at correct time.
I told my husband and kids to plan after final exam i.e. in March. We checked their schedule and then checked the air tickets. The air tickets were at reasonable price. I felt positive and took it as Deva’s wish. The difference of air ticket (extra from voucher) was quite affordable for all 5 people. So after taking Deva’s name we booked the ticket. I wanted to give the feeling of Taj to my mother, so I silently requested Deva to take care. In voucher it was mentioned to book through customer care only. The customer care was not ready to book one room for 5 people. My husband just discussed with one of his friend regarding Taj hotel booking against voucher. He informed that book online as in online booking, it is showing large room for 5, and inform the hotel through email regarding our voucher. We did the same and with the blessings of Deva, they accepted our online booking and voucher. Deva how a mean human being like me can be eligible for receiving Your mercy? For remaining three nights we were searching for hotel booking on any beach. Again Deva had shown path for booking resort through my husband’s office quota. The booking for that date was starting on Thursday. My husband took Deva’s name and within seconds he was able to book that resort for three days. When I heard, I was mesmerized with the planning of Deva, how smoothly He arranged everything. The resort was on one of the main beach and with perfect location and other comforts. The stay was gifted free of cost in Goa by Deva. In the whole trip Deva was with us in all our cabs, hotels, restaurant, beaches everywhere.
One day we planned to go beach early morning to enjoy water without the sun but as we were very tired, we woke up late around 8:30. I looked outside and the sun was shining at its peak. I just remembered Deva and got ready for a sunny beach outing. But oh my Deva, You covered the sun with cloud and permitted us to enjoy to the fullest. Thanks Deva for everything. You are our lifeline.
Yesterday, I was trying to buy some apparel online, which was selected long time back. I was waiting for the right offer but when offer came, the stuff was showing out of stock. I felt disappointed and again I felt that may be Deva does not like that stuff for me and closed the laptop. After some time I just checked on my mobile and the same was available. I took Deva’s name and ordered those apparels availing good offer. Thank You Deva for taking so much care. Om Anantkoti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogi Raj Parbrahma Shri Sachhidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: Hi I am 30 years old working woman living in Australia. I started following my Sai Maa from last few months. Before that I knew Baba but never worshiped Him. But in these few months I have experienced many Baba’s miracles. Thank you very much Hetalji to give us a platform where we can share our Baba’s miracles and it gives hopes to many other devotees.
I shared my experience before as well but it is not published yet. Now I come to my 2nd experience which made me realise Baba’s presence. It was a Thursday; I used to go to Baba’s temple every Thursday. I was very stressed on that day because of my visa issues. I was sitting in His temple and looking at Baba. There was still some time for Aarti; one lady was getting Baba ready. I was praying Baba that Baba please show me some signal or any hint that everything will be ok. I asked Baba if this lady will give me something from her bag, I will accept it as a signal from You that everything will be ok. I had never met that lady in my life and we were strangers for each other. After sometime I was thinking in my mind that I am so stupid, why I said this? If this lady will not give me anything, it will give me more stress and there were more chances that I will not get anything from her as she didn’t know me. Still there was some time for Aarti, so I was sitting there and waiting. After sometime that lady came near to her bag. She was arranging some things in her bag and then kept it aside. I lost all my hope. After sometime she again opened her bag and came to me. She asked my name and introduced herself to me. She gave me Baba’s pendant and said “Baba asked me to give this to you.” I was so surprised and overwhelmed and was in tears. It was my Baba’s great miracle. After that I went to book shelf to get something to read, while I was looking for a book, a book itself dropped into my hands. It was about Baba’s leelas. I wanted to take that book home for reading but temple policy was that you can only read in temple. But even then I went to the same lady and asked her if I can take that book home and that I would bring it back next Thursday. She said it was ok and I could take it. It was her book and not temple’s book. I was so happy to hear that.
I was so happy while coming home from temple. I used to ask Sai Baba to come home with me when I leave temple. On that day I realised that Baba really came with me. While I was travelling in train I could smell a strong tobacco smell like Baba’s chillum. Only one guy was sitting in train at that moment and he was sitting on some distance as well. He was not smoking as well. Then I checked that book if it was from that book but it was not. I was unable to realise at that time that it was my dear Baba Who was showing His existence. But after some days of that incident, I read one devotee’s experience that while Sai Satcharitra Mahaparayan, their pooja room filled with that smell. Then I realised that It was Baba Who was making me realise but I was so stupid that I didn’t get it. I love You Baba. You gave me strength to face all the issues. I know that You are always there to help me like my Maa. So now I leave all my issues and problems at Your lotus feet. I know You will take best decisions for me. I am still waiting for Your miracle for my visa. I know You will sort it out soon. Om Sai, Sri Sai, Jai Jai Sai. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I am a devotee of Sai Baba from my childhood. My mother prays Sai everyday. In our house if we are unable to take any decision, then we will ask Sai to decide the best with the help of chits and then we follow the same.
This is my first experience sharing on this blog. When I was writing my Intermediate first year exams, suddenly I got sick and was hospitalised. But I attempted the exams without any preparation. At the end of my exams, I recouped from my sickness. But every day I used to be tensed for my exam results. So I prayed to Sai Baba to pass my examinations. On the result day, unexpectedly me and my mother went to my Aunt (mother’s sister) in-law’s place. While we are in their house, I got to know that my results came out, but I didn’t know the status of my result. I and mom continuously prayed to Sai Baba to help me pass in my examination. While our return journey to my place, my mom saw a Baba temple and an old man Who was dressed like Baba was doing pradakshinas very quickly around the temple. We know that He was none other than my Baba. After coming to my home, I came to know that I had passed in my examinations and had got first class. All this happened only because of Baba, otherwise without preparation how could I pass in my examinations? Not only this, in many situations; my Baba has helped me. Even when I got my first alliance, my parents asked Baba whether to proceed or not with it. Baba said to proceed, so we proceeded and I got married with the same guy. But I don’t know why I am not happy with my marital life although it was suggested by Baba. We got married in 2012 but we stayed together only for 2 years 9 months because of my husband’s career and so on. From August, 2017, my husband has changed a lot and saying that he doesn’t like me and blaming my character and he is saying that he wants to separate from me. I don’t know why Baba selected this guy. I trust Baba that He will solve my problems and increase faith in Him. I request all devotees to pray Sai Baba regarding my marital life.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am having tough time and because of me my family has to undergo this tough time. Thanks Hetalji for maintaining this platform, Sai bless Hetalji and family members for what they desire for. I am narrating my experience where ever modifications are required please modify.
I was doing saptah parayan. On Saturday I completed my day’s parayan and was on the way to bring curries for eating food. Suddenly my bike skidded and fell down from my bike. My knee, right hand and leg got wounded. Blood was coming. Although blood was coming I went to curries centre and brought my curries. Cleaned wounds with water and applied Shirdi Sai Udi to the wounds. I prayed to Sai that everything happens for a reason this also happened for a reason (Baba gives toughest problems to His toughest devotes/shisyas) For me skidding from bike happened 3 times and there has been severe pain from the wounds, but this time I didn’t have any pain and it was nothing but miracle of Baba. (No medicine/ointment but only Udi and turmeric powder) Wounds got healed in 2 weeks’ time. Bike got damaged which costs nearly 19000 and so I was feeling bad about that. Suddenly I got an idea of insurance which I never did. Although I was not eligible Baba made it clear path to get the insurance amount and I got 90% of the amount. Thus was also purely Baba’s leela which couldn’t have happened without Baba’s blessings.
I am asking in questions and answers site but the answer I was unable to relate to me. Baba I know my sufferings are because of my karma. You are one and only saviour. Baba, remove my karma and I surrender myself at Your holy feet Baba. It’s been 33 years and no happiness for me and my family members. Baba, bless my family members with good health and peace of mind. Baba, bless my sister with a kid for which my family and her family are eagerly waiting. Bless all Sai devotees with good health and peace of mind. Ananthakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am living in USA with my family. Thanks to Hetal Ji and the team who are part of Sai family constantly monitoring and reporting different groups. May Sai shower His blessings on all of us.
I am blessed to be part of Sai 24 hour Saptah Parayan. On my 6th day of parayan (Tuesday) I finished reading chapters for that day sitting in Baba’s temple Dwarakamayee and was fortunate to be part of Shej Aarti and returned home. When getting off the car I checked the dashboard for my wallet where I was surprised to see that my wallet was not there, and I remembered keeping it in the same place. I went back to the temple to search if I had forgotten in Dwarakamayee and prayed Sai if I find my purse then I will post my experience as part of Sai 24 hour Saptah Parayan. I did not find in temple where my mind constantly was thinking about my wallet and chanting Sairam. I returned home and wanted to check again in my car thoroughly and was very happy to find my wallet in the same dashboard where I could not find earlier. This is truly a Sai miracle. Also, another leela on last day of Parayan was that when I completed reading saptah parayan where Baba showered His blessings. I was allocated 6th chapter for Nithya parayan which says about how Sri Rama Navami was started in Shirdi. I feel truly blessed that Baba showered His blessings assigning 6th chapter on the last day of Sri Rama Navami Saptah Parayan.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello Hetalji. Once again Baba showed His miracle. I love You a lot Sai Maa. Today once again Maa I am going to share my experience. Before few days my cell phone had fallen down from rickshaw. I was afraid at that time and then when I called from my phone to my friend then the voice of my friend was not coming to me. I was very much afraid. Then I prayed to Sai Maa to please help me today as I was not able to spend more money on my phone and prayed Maa again to please help me. Then I promised Maa that I will surely share my experience. Then I gave my phone in service centre and after some time they gave back my phone and he said that nothing had happened in my phone and it was all ok. Then again I called back to my friend and really everything was ok. I was shocked at that time. I love You so much Sai Maa. I believe that this is modern Sai satcharitra. I love You a lot and thank You so much. Shri Satchidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Sai Samarath Bhagwan Ki Jai Om Sai Ram.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please help and save my parents sai ma. Be with us forever ma. Thanku ma for everything.
Om sai ram
Saideva, please be with us,help my parents sai ma
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Jai Sai Ram 🙏
Forgive me my faults, bless me and and help me bring peace and joy to the people around me.
Jai Sairam
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Omsairam..bless my father and brother with good health…forgive our sins..
I didnt obey your words thats why i am suffering today….i couldnt control my emotions and i am suffering heavily today baba….my mind is extremely restless kindly bless me attain a peace of mind…….all past thoughts come and jam in my mind…give me freedom from all those thoughts..
Sai Koti koti pRanams to your lotus feet 👣..Sai thanks is a small word…sai thanks for listening my prayers…love you deva…thanks for curing my finger itching problem…sai please listen everyone's prayers…lokah samastha suKhino bhavanthu…sai sai
Om Sai Ramom Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba as i dont have any one other then you to look after, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help get a full time job baba, please give good health to my parents and kids baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.